Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why I want to marry a Gold Digger

I have become renowned for being Single unfortunately. Most of my peers have been married for years and have several children. In 5 years I will be the same age as my grand mother when she first achieved that title. As you can imagine from friends and family a like I am constantly getting grilled and lectured over my solitary status. I have countless scouts that out of love and concern, diligently look underneath every rock and tree for a help mate to get me hitched to. Every time I speak somewhere in my introduction the host makes sure to comment, “By the way Ladies he is Single!!!” Followed by the token pity howls, given by those that were let in the room for free. I used to like it in fact. I used to imagine myself as some dangerously handsome tycoon in “Time” magazine as one of the worlds most eligible bachelors. I had a bit of a swagger because of it, a smirk on my face and a pep in my step. Then I turned 30. As I tend to do, I did a little soul searching and realized that I was lonely. A quote from David O McKay kept haunting me. “No success can compensate for failure in the home.” I was a different type of homeless, one with just as few legitimate excuses as the other type bumming for change at a freeway off ramp. Around then I realized it was time to adjust my priorities and date with marriage in mind. Not to ask some one on a date because I planned on marrying them, but to date someone to look for the possibility of marriage with them. This type of dating to me is like a very long job interview and can be exponentially more mentally taxing. Desperately trying to find out if my date has an axe murderer penned up inside of her and knowing she is wondering the same thing about me. That’s usually when I think myself into a panic and start acting weird in consequence to trying so hard to act normal.

In the midst of all of this however I have learned a lot about what matters most to me in finding a wife. There are many qualities of course that are an absolute must. Spirituality, mutual physical attraction, the ability to communicate effectively, wants children, etc. but there is one thing that I have come to appreciate as much or more than all the others. I don’t know how to label this quality except to say that it is the quality to appreciate the qualities in me.

There are a lot of things us quirky humans find endearing, that everyone else could care less about. The way we mispronounce a word, how we slurp our soup or snort when we laugh. Those types of things I feel are important. However it is not what causes love, it’s a by product of love.

People fall in love for too many reasons to count. Usually it is a combination of reasons. But I want someone to fall in love with me because I am a man of ability and achievement. Not because I have a lot of friends (not saying I do) but for the reason people want to befriend me, not because I have tons of money (not saying I do) but because I have the ability to earn a ton of money. Not because of my accomplishments but because I am a man of accomplishment. In fact I wouldn’t want to marry anyone if they loved me and these were not at least some of the reasons why.

There is a phrase with a stigma attached I find interesting, “Gold Digger”. Now I obviously don’t like the stereotypical Gold digger. The phrase “Gold Digger” has come to mean in our society a man or a woman who marries for money, usually as an easy road to material gain with out any effort or productivity of their own. To reap what you have not sown is no better than a thief, mooch or a looter. However I couldn’t think of a better phrase to describe what I desire in an Eternal Companion. I want someone to love me for the Gold that is with in me and is willing to dig with me to extract it. I heard someone once say, “Speak to the king within the man and within the man the king will appear.”

Now obviously for this to work whether we are married or single we need to work hard every day to make the most of ourselves. It means that I must strive to spend my time laboring to be worthy of such a women. Not only to be a man of ability but to the have the ability to see the women of ability. I believe like attracts like which means we tend to gravitate to those like us. Like a tuning fork will resonate with keys, chords and crystals of the same pitch, the proper person will resonate with who you are. So if this all true, if what we want is the very best shouldn’t we try to be the very best? In fact isn’t that the only way we can possibly accomplish that.

I think all of us myself included spend much more time trying to find the right one, when we should be trying to become the right one. If you desire someone that is physically fit, the best way to accomplish that is to be physically fit yourself. If you want someone to be spiritually sound, the good news is there are plenty of them out there. However because they are spiritually sound they are only looking for people who are spiritually sound. A good exercise to do is to take those lists we used to make in our adolescence of what we wanted in a spouse and up date them and then rate our selves 1-10 on how we are doing in those categories ourselves. It is an eye opener. I realized the reason I wasn’t married wasn’t because the type of person I was looking for doesn’t exist but that the type of person I wanted wouldn’t be interested in me.

Doing this has given me more purpose in my personal development. It has given me a stronger “why” for the things I do every day. It has also helped me to weigh in opportunity cost on the decisions I make and how it affects the person I am and the people I attract. It really has in my biased opinion made me a better person. Or in other words has increased the Gold mine inside of me.

For those already married similar rules I think would apply. I have noticed that some remain frustrated at their spouse for various character flaws that they have. What they usually don’t understand is those same character flaws are in them too. In fact that is usually at least partially what attracted them to each other. If we want things to change in our relationship, we can not do it by taking a way the agency of another. We can only change things by changing ourselves. As Jim Rohn says, “for things to change, you have to change.” It is the “if it is to be it’s up to me” philosophy. Only by working on ourselves can we guarantee results, because then if nothing else we have bettered all our relationships because we bring a better us to the table. Then by so doing we liberate others to do the same, we provide an example to others to follow suit. Then together progression becomes easier and happens and a higher rate.

This life is a beautiful life. A life that is all the more beautiful when we find someone of like mind, heart and spirit to share it with. Genesis is right, “It is not good that man, (or woman) should be alone.” Certainly the synergy, that comes from a marriage of two equally yoked people yields limitless potential. I was asked to give a Eulogy a few years ago. I went to interview the wife of the man I was eulogizing at his bed side hours before he passed away. She told me plenty of stories and facts about his life but one thing she said in passing stuck out to me the most. She said “We ran a great race”. How fortunate to be able to say that. To run hand in hand to create a better world, to extract and have extracted the best that is with in us that can only be accessed by the companionship of someone. Someone, who sees the very best in you.


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OPINION said...



OPINION said...

got ( CAUGHT)

OPINION said...

correction again: stalking him (sorry keyboard issues)

opinion said...

My sympaties to Travis s family.

opinion said...

I can't believe there is a support site for Jodi...I mean am sure she has people that like her but am just surprised to see how many people support her. Personnaly I don't think there much chances for her..unless she hires Casey Anthony lawyer, but even then..there is forensic evidence against her..too many lies and the worse of it..the premeditation issue: rental car brougt back with stain and without carpets...the gas tank, the hair dye she bought at wal-mart, the gun and the cellphone off all during her trip to Arizona..mhmmm c'mcon now!!! why do you think guys?

opinion said...

an historical lady: I study law and jury can't be influenced by others opinion..this is just a blog where people share their opinion. I follow this case as well and I don't doubt that TA was a good person(maybe a horrible boyfriend) but it s amazing how he did well in despite of his childhood. Ican't wait for the trial to be over as I sais in myprevious post..there is signs of premeditation and they are using the defense of abuse because it s the only thing they can do..mind you I wonder how come she was not submissed to a psychiatric exam..for insanity..I do not know the law in the States but here in Canada it is used a lot.

Anonymous said...

"Travis was a good and well intentioned person."

Let's take a look at what we KNOW about Travis' intentions.

1. He never intended to marry a woman with whom he was having premarital sex.

2. He intended to deceive his family, friends and the entire Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in regards to his promiscuous lifestyle.

3. He intended to hide and lie about the pornography found on his computer by a forensic analyst.

4. He intended to promote an image of chastity for himself, while promoting the image of a stalker for Jodi.

5. He intended to manipulate everyone in one way or another for his own selfish ends.

6. He obviously intended to get away with these transgressions before God, if he even truly believed God knew or gave a damn about everything he was doing. It doesn't seem like it though.

And here you all are saying what a great guy he was and that he had "good intentions". Looks like he has you fooled too. Most of you here have fallen for his manipulations, even if God hasn't.

opinion said...

anonymous- (about TA intentions)

Travis hasn't fooled anyone here. I thinks he had good and bad just like everybody. I think he was one of those hypocrites that goes to church to feel good AND LOOK GOOD to everyone..but he did not deserve to be killed. That is the thing about this case, sex drug and rockn roll..well I say here it's sex, religion and guilt. Everybody are mixing the topics here..religion....yes he obviously was an billions of them..they are all over. One day a friend told me: you want to know who 90% of the hypocrite are? just go and sit down in front of a church on a sunday and you will see.) and I agree...Mormon or is part of life to experience and to have a youth..doesn't mean to sleep around and do drugs and all those things..everything is good with moderation and you have to respect yourself. Travis was obviously sleeping with Jodi but she was not good enough for maraige because she was not a virgin!!! what about really..he was probably just another hypocrite like many others...but he did not deserve to be killed like that. Am sure he said something that made her snap.

opinion said...

anonymous who wrote about stalker and bisexuel: LOVE YOUR POST ...folks please put a name or a fictive name that way when we answer to a specific post we can write a name..thanks

opinion said...

Answer to the ( my response to the above) maybe am not english..and I do my best to write in English since I am from the french side of Canada, so maybe you can go back to school and learn how to be polite, this is not a place to take up your frustration on others, we are here to share opinion and if you don't like my spelling stop reading my post.

Anonymous said...

"I believe that was his t-shirt meaning it was his Travis Alexander's, not meant for it to be her t-shirt."

Oh, really? And the ladies' panties with, "Travis'" printed on the front, were HIS too, and he meant to wear them HIMSELF, I suppose.

I mean, you've got to be fuckin' kidding!

Anonymous said...

"Agree, but the t-shirt was a promotional shirt that had his new book idea, this blog name on the back of it was to read like this, Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog..boooom that blows your theory out and anyone else that isnt paying attention!"

A "promotional" shirt, huh? And, what about the women's panties? By your logic, while they had the word, "Travis'" printed on the front, they too would've had the words, "Being Better Blog" on the back, right?

I mean that makes sense...a man aspiring to be a better Mormon uses both a t-shirt and women's panties to promote his blog!!

How fuckin' thick can you get, dumbass???

Anonymous said...

opinion - Reel it in, would ya?

When I posted about Travis' hidden intentions, it was to combat anyone here who thinks he was such a "good-intentioned" person, when he wasn't that at all.

My post never stated that the penalty for lying, deceiving, manipulating and using should be death.

So, you go right ahead and kiss the hypocrite's ass if you want, but he doesn't deserve to be honored in death any more than he deserved to die for his indiscretions.

Anonymous said...

Jodi Arias' lies include the T-shirt words: 'Travis Alexander's'. The two words 'Travis Alexander's' printed in the front of the T-Shirt actually are the first half of the sentence 'Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog'. The second half of the sentence is printed on the back of the same T-shirt. The conniving woman Jodi Arias tries to use the first two words in front: 'Travis Alexander's', to show that he was possessive about her, and treated her like his personal slave.

Anonymous said...

This woman is pure psyco and all her followers are her idiots. She was a pist off stalker. I hope she fries in the electric chairs with those implants.

Anonymous said...

She is a worn out whore and he knew it and so did she. How did this drop out bitch live? I hope she fries in the death chamber. What a piece of shit. LOSER.

Anonymous said...

What a loser. Wonder if she gave him STD? Did he know that her cunt was as big as the titanic? Just a uneducated whore. Why did he waste his time with this piece of junk? Just pure junk. The cancer in his life.

Anonymous said...

Today on stand I kept thinking is this old worn out whore lying again? She was a skank. She knew it and he knew it. He can't defend himself. Bitch. He didn't do her vagina because it was as wide open as the pacific ocean. Didn't that uneducated old whore know

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Travis, fly high with your 35 doves.... One day we will see you again, with that smile. Rest in peace, sweet soul. I am praying for justice for you

Anonymous said...

It's all about appearances or WAS...for Travis...FLDS believes woman are weak and not only need to be controlled, but that it's the man's God given right and obligation...they are all a bunch of pedophile abusers of women and children...

Anonymous said...

Travis was not using jodi for sex. She was the agressor and she used her sexuality to try and snatch him with the magic in her panties. She became revengeful after much rejection and slayed him. Everything out of her mouth is a lie. I can only hope that we humans here on earth learn some beneficial lessons from all of this. Travis may you know that you touched many lives for the better even in tragedy and you are not at fault. May you go in spirit making a difference to others in flesh and in spirit. Be proud for all that you did and will continue to do.

Anonymous said...

Seriously??? She admitted he killed him. In self defense. 27 stab wounds, a shot to the face and near decapitation... yes that's totally not overkill. He might have made mistakes.. He was immature I think. But nothing he did warrants what happened to him, and you fellow anonymous commentator are foolish.

Dawn said...

As I read all these nasty comments that have been posted about Travis I just feel sad.

Even if you believe every word out of Jodi Arias' mouth he did not deserve to die in the brutal savage way he did. Please consider that we don't really know what happened, we are only hearing Jodi's story. A story that is being told by a woman that has a history of being promiscuous,and most certainly has a history of lying through her teeth! A woman that would say anything to save her own life.

Even if you choose to believe everthing she says, Travis behaved in a manner that many many other young men have also been guilty of. Does that mean they all deserve to die?? What if it was your brother or your son?? Travis may have made some bad choices and maybe he was immature and selfish but if you read his blog with an open mind and heart you can see that he was struggling. He admitted that the kind of woman he wanted to attract and marry would not be attracted to him. He sounded as though he had really been doing some soul searching and he knew he had a lot of work to do on himself and he was taking the steps to make changes in his life. He just didn't get the chance to live long enough to become the man he wanted to be.

Travis may have sinned because he had premarital sex but his sin is no worse than lying, or even thinking an evil thought towards someone. God doesn't say some sin are more okay, He says they are all sin. Being saved doesn't mean you never sin, its means you are forgiven and that with God's help you overcome. Jesus didn't come to save the people that had it all together and that knew everything. He came to save the broken, the damaged, the lost, the people that were drowning in their sin.

I don't belive that Jodi Arias is telling the truth. I believe that she was a young woman that used her looks and sexuality to get what she wanted. I believe that she was obsessed with him and could not stand that he was pulling away from her and was trying to move on without her. I don't see her as having any remorse for what she has done. Even on the stand she is always pointing the finger at someone else, she never holds herself accountable for her choices. I truly hope that the reality of what she has done will come to roost on her heart and that she will have to admit to herself the truth. I hope that she will be overwhelmed with guilt and shame that doesn't let up until she confesses the actual truth. I know many people want for her to die. I don't believe she should ever be free. I hope that she will repent and be saved and that maybe she can spend her life in prison doing something to help the woman imprisoned there.

Im sorry that Travis was not able to enjoy being a husband and a father. Im sorry that his family have tp spend the rest of their days without him. I am glad that he was saved so that he will one day have eternal life. RIP Travis

Anonymous said...

"Jodi Arias' lies include the T-shirt words: 'Travis Alexander's'. The two words 'Travis Alexander's' printed in the front of the T-Shirt actually are the first half of the sentence 'Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog'. The second half of the sentence is printed on the back of the same T-shirt. The conniving woman Jodi Arias tries to use the first two words in front: 'Travis Alexander's', to show that he was possessive about her, and treated her like his personal slave."

Right. We've already read this. So WHERE IS YOUR PROOF?

And you completely skipped over the women's panties. Either those items belonged to Travis to promote his blog, which would make him a freaky cross-dresser wearing women's panties on top of all of his other fetishes, or they didn't belong to him. You can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

"What a loser. Wonder if she gave him STD? Did he know that her cunt was as big as the titanic? Just a uneducated whore. Why did he waste his time with this piece of junk? Just pure junk. The cancer in his life."

Travis supporters keep reminding us that perhaps his family (and his Mormon friends) come here to read the comments.

I bet they're ashamed of some of the things that Travis supporters are writing here, too, like the above comment.

Anonymous said...

"Everything out of her mouth is a lie."

You mean, "HIS mouth", right? It has been substantially proven through investigation and in Court that Travis lied to EVERYONE...his family, his friends, his church...and in many ways, to Jodi, herself.

So, try to be balanced, OK?

Anonymous said...

"Seriously??? She admitted he killed him. In self defense. 27 stab wounds, a shot to the face and near decapitation... yes that's totally not overkill. He might have made mistakes.. He was immature I think. But nothing he did warrants what happened to him, and you fellow anonymous commentator are foolish."

Do you have anything new or useful to add, because you sound extremely idiotic when no one is disagreeing with you.

I haven't read ANY posts here recently, if at all, that state Travis deserved to die, or that his murder was "warranted".

The contention here is between overtly biased and irrational commenters who correctly believe Jodi deserves to die for killing Travis, but who falsely believe Travis was purely innocent in their relationship and his life, and those who rationally believe Jodi deserves to die for murder, but that Travis was highly culpable in his own demise and has been proven to be FAR FROM A SAINT.

If you can't understand this, then go back to kindergarten!

Anonymous said...

Dawn said...
"...he did not deserve to die..."

Would you, Travis supporters, get the fuck off this trip, because NO ONE IS SAYING HE DID...(deserve to die).

This is your best and your weakest argument in favor of Travis, that "he didn't deserve to die", when no one is arguing that point at all, and because you can't say what a great guy he was and how well-intentioned he was without looking stupid since it's been proven he was a scumbag and a jerk.

So, let me guess, your response will be something to the effect of, "he didn't deserve to die".

Do you just want someone to agree with you and tell you that your correct in this opinion?

OK, I'll do it, just like I have all along. Regardless of the fact that Travis was a lying scumbag and a hypocritcal jerk...I agree. He didn't deserve to die.

Happy now???

Anonymous said...

"Im sorry that Travis was not able to enjoy being a husband and a father."

Don't bother. He had a history of cheating, not just on Jodi, but on Lisa Daidone, as she testified, and more. He also had pornographical material on his computer.

The LDS Church teaches that sex and pornography, in particular, can be extremely addictive, and that a clear symptom of addiction is hiding the offensive or banned behavior.

Travis did just that. He hid is sexual lifestyle, and anyone who believes he would have given it up, namely the pornography, once he married in the Temple, under the illusion of chastity, is again, quite irrational.

He had developed a habit of lying, manipulating and cheating, and that habit was well-formed mainly because he had gotten away with it so easily and had everyone fooled.

There isn't anything to suggest that he was a moral person and that he would not have continued his life of immorality even after marriage.

Dawn said...

Anonymous said...

"Would you, Travis supporters, get the fuck off this trip, because NO ONE IS SAYING HE DID...(deserve to die).

This is your best and your weakest argument in favor of Travis, that "he didn't deserve to die", when no one is arguing that point at all, and because you can't say what a great guy he was and how well-intentioned he was without looking stupid since it's been proven he was a scumbag and a jerk.

So, let me guess, your response will be something to the effect of, "he didn't deserve to die"."

My response would be more along the lines of .." You seem to be quite willing to believe the claims of a woman that has proven repeatedly that she will lie about anything, at any time if it suits her."

Just because Travis had sex with her doesn't mean it was the kind of sex she says it was , nor the frequency that she claimed. He did go to his elders to confess and to ask for help...Im sorry, does that make him a monster of some kind? Do you think he is the first man to fall for the wiles of a sexually aggressive and promiscuous woman? There is a reason why many women believe that men tend to think with their little heads instead of the big one where woman are concerned.

Also some of you people need to pay more attention to the facts...There was no pornography found on Travis' computer.

For those of you that are so free with the word hypocrite , you may want to take a good look at your own lives. I think there are many times in our lives when we all may have made bad decisions that were not true of who we really are in our hearts or who we wanted to be as people. In those moments we too were hypocrites.

This is about justice for a man who had his life stolen by a woman that believed she was entitled to the ownership of another human being and who couldn't stand that she wasn't getting what she wanted. This is about ensuring that she will never do this again.

opinion said...

anonymous-reel in it.
am not kissing any hypocrite's ass. As I said I cant stand those religious standards about forcing people to chastity and more. I agree with some of the things you say but it is just that the way you write seem to want to justify a murder..there is so much agressity in your post, we can feel it. I believe he used her, absolutely, and he was lying, I also believe she coudn't let him go and that there was premeditation.

opinion said...

Previous post:

I am totally comfortable about calling the people who are very religious not respecting the main rules, hypocrites. Yes we all do mistakes and we all were hypocrites sometimes but not as much as when you are part of a severe religion, going there to look good and feel less guilty,it doesn't make sense at all. I guess all the people that write bad things about Travis just want to set the picture straight as he wasn't that I read before..somebody wrote that he was a victim but not an innocent victim?

Anonymous said...

Travis took one for the team in this case. Thousands of hypocrite men lie to women to get in their pants, knowing these young girls fall in love with them, then they continue to use them and lie to their faces but show another face to everyone else.

Jodi did what lots of women who have been: used and discarded, lied to, ridiculed, name called, sexually abused have wanted to do at some point to a man like Travis.

Maybe men will think twice before they act like him.

Anonymous said...

my husband said .."there is no death penalty for being a jerk"...I said "there should be"...any female who has dealt with that kind of abuse will tell you the same thing.the guys like to rub salt in the wound after being abusive ...they know how much it frustrates and upsets women.its basically "sadistic personality disorder" ...

most women have dealt with a least 1 male like that in their life.

Anonymous said...

I just wish that the prosecution could use this blog. How can anyone believe this woman??? If in fact he called her those names, (I highly doubt it)that is what she is. She lies about everything; she is the sex crazied individual and what American male would pass that up, even with religious restrictions. Hell the catholic priests have sex. I truly hope and pray so hard that justice will be served and she gets the death penalty. I hope that people in AZ are smarter than those on the jury panel in Florida.

Anonymous said...

This girl went to his home in the wee hours of the morning before he was going to cancun. Tried to use sex as a way of getting to him, meaning, "take me to cancun", that didn't work, he said no. He was still going with mimi and she snapped big time. Our animals are slaughtered with more respect. Good god people, some of you are really dumb.

Anonymous said...

Look at her actions with her other boyfriends? She has a pattern and she loves sex; a nympho!!!! Her appearance in court makes me want to vomit!!!!!!!!! She is a jealous witch with a capital B.

Anonymous said...

And for the woman who posted the link to "sadistic personality disorder" apparently has never REALLY been abused. This Jodi character is making a mockery out of us females who have genuinely been abused. I want to know how the anal sex with darryl wasn't a bad thing, but with travis she had to look down, like she has never done it before. I think she W_____.

Anonymous said...

Also some of you people need to pay more attention to the facts...There was no pornography found on Travis' computer. Thank you to whoever posted this!!! Get the facts straight. This girl Quite frankly, I don't find her attractive at all, and the boob job didn't help, lol!!! Seriously she probably wasn't even abused in her childhood either. How that mother sits there everyday is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

And for the one who posted that her c____ was the size of titantic, we should throw the grand canyon in also. She's been around the block; quite obvious. Gets out of a relationship with bobby, who by the way, straggled her and jumps into bed with his roommate, matt.

Anonymous said...

"And for the woman who posted the link to "sadistic personality disorder" apparently has never REALLY been abused.".......

how do you figure that?...I experenced something to come up with

at 54 I'm not prone flights of fancy.

Anonymous said...

She would be my "dirty little secret" also!! Bleached blond hair and a boob job, just marriage material, yeah right. She is what we nicely call a "pig".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just hope that God and our judicial system will give justice to Travis and his family. How they sit in that courtroom and hear this crap about their brother, I will never know. Jodi is the biggest con artist, liar, cheat, nympho that I think we have seen in a very long time.

opinion said...

For the people who blame Jodi for throwing herself at Travis..would you stop!! it takes two to have that kind of relationship...he wanted her...noit for marriage but he wanted to maintain a dishonnest relationship with her and was lying to people..he could have stop the police, send her a restraining order...change his number..none of that was mutual. And the people that say she has a C...big like titanic..grow up.

Anonymous said...

Jodi is a VERY dangerous woman and should NEVER be put back into society whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

For the people who blame Jodi for throwing herself at Travis..would you stop!! it takes two to have that kind of relationship... WHAT AMERICAN MALE OF HIS AGE WOULD REFUSE? SHE IS A PIG AND I BET SHE IS BIGGER THAN THE TITANIC, LOL! SHE IS GROSS, DIRTY, FILTHY, LIAR, AND CHEAT. I WOULDN'T TOUCH HER PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

And on this blog, we can say whatever and when someone is savagely murdered for no self defense, I REFUSE to grow up.

Anonymous said...

All this talk about the TA tshirt...SHE chose to wear it with a wide smile...

Anonymous said...

I pray that the prosecution asks her about what the back of that t-shirt said or possibly show the jury on his cross examination. She is a whack job!!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

How can you say that !! Get off this blog now! He was a great friend of mine to see there comments is sicking half of u should be ashamed wow our world sure is disgusting....

Anonymous said...

him and jodi were smack talking eachother in their blogs ... you need to read her's dont need to be a rocket scientist to see that .. :/

Steve said...

After learning of all the outrageous lies Jodi Arias has told, I do not believe a SINGLE THING she is saying now. For example, I do not believe any of her allegations of Travis' supposed sexual deviance and supposed aggression toward her.

Anonymous said...

She's true evil! She brutelly murdered him and went over another guys house. What credilibily does she have, she acted all innocent, soft spoken when being interviewed at d police station, w/ her 2 different versions. Kinky sex isn't considered abuse, lets remember, she went over his house. I hope she gets d death penalty!

Anonymous said...

To go that route means you buy into even some of what Jodi says. Why believe a word from her? Pathological liars/psychopaths like her & Casey Anthony are getting away with horrific crimes because people are so easily duped by the charm they exude

opinion said...

TA must be turning in his grave..I do not believe nothing of the pedophile shit...someone who is into that..first thuns they do is surfing on internet and experts found nothing. It is just tactics used to make him look horrible.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. Always the biggest freaks hiding behind religion. Sin is sin. They are both going to hell.

Anonymous said...

Not fighting back worked out well. Yeah according to the trail. This guy was the furthest thing from a gentleman. Sin is sin acording to whatever good book you want to reference. His lifestyle is not the mormon way, but then again the ones that want to tell everyone how to live their lives and persecute are always closeted freaks. Never more true than these two sickos. One less to worry about on the planet, one more soon to be gone.

What happens in your private life is private until you start taking porn pictures, masterbating to kids. With all of these redeeming qualities how can she be at fault. He said it himself. He attracted and continued to associate with trash. Why? Because he was a perv and trash just like her. Birds of a feather flock together. Another example of how the good mormons come to this guys aid, yet would tar and feather iany non-mormon. No Kolob for this guy. He has a spot next to satan and his lovely girlfriend is on her way. That way they can be together for eternitity living the lifestyle that went on for years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

casey never copped to anything...and useing religion as a front is the "in-thing" ...they deserved eachother ,I dont take sides.playing headgames in a relationship is dangerous .

Anonymous said...

To: Dawn (and the other stupid person who supported Dawn's stupid comment):

"Also some of you people need to pay more attention to the facts...There was no pornography found on Travis' computer."

The following is regarding the testimony of the forensic analyst presented during trial.

"Lonnie Dworkin, a computer forensic analyst testifying for Arias, also said there was pornography on Alexander’s computer. “I recall there was some pornography on the computer. I don’t recall specifically if there were women’s breasts or other content,” Dworkin testified."

Before you condescendingly advise other people to "pay more attention to the facts", you should take your own advice, because though I hate to sound redundant, you make yourself look quite stupid.

Anonymous said...

Dawn also said:
"For those of you that are so free with the word hypocrite , you may want to take a good look at your own lives. I think there are many times in our lives when we all may have made bad decisions that were not true of who we really are in our hearts or who we wanted to be as people. In those moments we too were hypocrites."

I thought you wanted to stick to the "facts". Our lives are not on trial here. Jodi's AND Travis' are, by virtue of exposure during legal proceedings.

You're going off on an irrelevant tangent, and you'll never sway us in this way to believe Travis should be forgiven for being such a dick. On the other hand if it's the last word you want, that might be difficult as well, since you continue to contradict yourself in your defense of Travis, which welcomes in rebuttals to your meaningless arguments.

Anonymous said...

Once again, Dawn said,
"My response would be more along the lines of .." You seem to be quite willing to believe the claims of a woman that has proven repeatedly that she will lie about anything, at any time if it suits her."

Dawn, do you proofread what you write before you post? Because I can't believe how little intelligence is reflected in what you're posting.

Explanation: I take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt that conniving, deceitful, vengeful, wicked Jodi claims. To this day, her testimony does not phase me and the more she talks, the more she freely in fact that if I were on the jury, I'd actually look forward to hearing the verdict: "Guilty as charged".

I don't base my conclusions of Travis' manipulative intentions on ANYTHING Jodi says. Contrarily, I base them on every other piece of evidence that has surfaced that clearly shows who he really was versus the facade he displayed for the Mormon community.

Is this too much for you to comprehend, Dawn? Let me put it simply for you...Jodi is a liar. So was Travis! Jodi is a premeditative murderer. Travis did not deserve to die for his transgressions, but he does not deserve to be placed on a pedestal and revered just because he led a convincing double life.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, Dawn, Dawn..."Just because Travis had sex with her doesn't mean it was the kind of sex she says it was , nor the frequency that she claimed."

Travis' own texts, emails?, computer's pornographic content, and most of all, his actions suggest this. The investigators, prosecutors, and now the Court knows and understands the frequency and type of sex it was between Travis and Jodi.

Here is just a glimpse of evidence presented during trial: "Arias' attorneys introduced as evidence photos that Alexander took of his genitals and sent to Arias, part of a string of graphic messages and sexual phone calls the two engaged in while Alexander, an elder in the Mormon church, was supposed to be chaste."

Your argument is lame because you are supposing that we are uninformed Jodi supporters that can't rely on factual evidence derived from thorough police investigation.

"He did go to his elders to confess and to ask for help..."

When you make a claim such as the above, be prepared to back it up. Provide a link as to this testimony. I mean in a high-profile case such as this where no stone has gone unturned, surely the investigators would have conducted interviews with every possible witness, including those elders to whom you refer, and they would be obligated to share Travis' confession of infidelity to the teachings of chastity of the Church.

So, please provide your, who is so concerned with "fact". Otherwise, you appear to be willing to just fabricate anything to support your defense of Travis, when his current reputation as a liar and cheater deserves no defense.

Anonymous said...

Opinion says,
"I am totally comfortable about calling the people who are very religious not respecting the main rules, hypocrites."

You know, I always wonder...when the faithful are committing an egregious offense against their religion...their god, such as infidelity or deceit, do they really believe that God is watching and witnessing their offense?

I don't think so. I can't see how someone can believe God exists, is all-knowing and ever-present and then has sex in front of God and in his presence.

I doubt that they believe in the existence of God in the first place, which gives them the permission they need to rebel against the structure of religion.

Anonymous said...

February 9, 2013 at 8:33 AM
February 9, 2013 at 8:39 AM
February 9, 2013 at 8:41 AM
February 9, 2013 at 8:59 AM
February 9, 2013 at 9:07 AM
February 9, 2013 at 9:16 AM
February 9, 2013 at 9:51 AM
February 9, 2013 at 10:14 AM

To this individual who posted all of the above comments, could you please refrain and condense your blase' remarks because you're not helping Travis' cause with your juvenile approach, and all I could read was, "Blah, blah, blah," and then I read, "Blah, blah, blah," and then some more, "Blah, blah, blah."


Anonymous said...


So, thanks to your crude insight, you just answered your own question. YOU'RE the type who would refuse. Apparently, a man pretending to be Mormon wouldn't though.

Anonymous said...

"I pray that the prosecution asks her about what the back of that t-shirt said or possibly show the jury on his cross examination."

Keep praying, since you believe that will make a difference. And while you're at it, pray that under cross, they will ask her what was printed on the ass of the panties, too.

Anonymous said...

After hearing the 'phone sex' testimony today (live on estarz or something like that-but no censoring) I feel even more strongly that Travis actions led to his demise, and he has paid the ultimate price. HIs life. Jodi should either walk, or do very little time. Any person on this earth can 'snap' after being used, abused, rediculed, lied to, misled, so many many wrong things this man did to could happen to ANYONE. She sounds like a sweet person who just LOVED him so much, he had total control over her every move, because of that love.

He comes off like a total ass in the phone conversations. Definitely if anyone had jealousy issues it was HIM. He also seems to dislike all males-period. He threw a lot of them under the bus today that he pretended to be friends to their faces. He was 2 faced with EVERYONE not just Jodi, the church, his professional connections, etc.

Jodi does not deserve to die, she doesn't even deserve life in prison. She deserves a much lesser sentence. The jury will see this.

Anonymous said...

So sad reading this. I didn't even know Travis, but I find myself crying thinking about him and reading this blog.

Anonymous said...

Mandy, if u want to defend a child molesting raping womanizer that treated every1 like they were bneath him then u r hopeless!!! there is evedence that he is a child molester that was on probation for it or the Judge COULDNT let that recording in as evidence because Travis wasnt here to state he didnt want it in. She has to have evidence as to y it should b allowed!!! and as for the abuse that he did there is overwhelming evidence that he was. I am an advocate for abuse victims/survivors!!! both men women children and elderly. we also try to help abused animals!!!

Anonymous said...

dawn & mandy? trolls are going to follow me in here and post crap there realy is no way to respond to just sounds like insanity ...ignore it.

Anonymous said...

RIP Travis. You didn't deserve to die. I pray Jodi gets the death penalty and I pray she is not on death row for long.

Anonymous said...

RIP Travis. You didn't deserve to die. I pray Jodi gets the death penalty and I pray she is not on death row for long. AMEN AMEN

Anonymous said...

This guy made it clear he wasn't interested in her. I think she got great pleasure in seducing him because he was so into his religion. When he tried to get out of it, she decided noone else could have him. Everyone should pray Travis and his family get justice. Did anyone else notice how she stared at his previous girlfriend with such jealousy.
Can't wait for the cross examination, should trip her up.

Anonymous said...

I think she had the gun on him and she took all the photos, he looks scared to death.
Sure wish some x boyfriends would come forward and admit SHE was the aggressor and was super possessive.
Reminds me of the movie fatal attraction.

Anonymous said...

Yes, its sad a life taken. My personal feelings are she is being framed. Although she may have said she did it. Both of them used meth. which he said would bring her closer to god and it was the Mormon way. He broke her down filling her head that the only way to make him happy was to be submissive. That's what Mormon men like. Come on look at it. he has her so brain washed she will not tell you the really true dark secrets of his. I more then likely will be killed myself for saying what I just said. also look into who had the insurance policy. his boss his wife. But a innocent woman should not be convicted. Im sorry Jodi just remember lord does not give us more then we can handle.

Anonymous said...

Yes, its sad a life taken. My personal feelings are she is being framed. Although she may have said she did it. Both of them used meth. which he said would bring her closer to god and it was the Mormon way. He broke her down filling her head that the only way to make him happy was to be submissive. That's what Mormon men like. Come on look at it. he has her so brain washed she will not tell you the really true dark secrets of his. I more then likely will be killed myself for saying what I just said. also look into who had the insurance policy. his boss his wife. But a innocent woman should not be convicted. Im sorry Jodi just remember lord does not give us more then we can handle.

February 13, 2013 at 6:06 PM

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see on Jodi's myspace account, she has "in memory of Travis" photos. I don't know how this person lives with herself.

Anonymous said...

This is just so very sad. I have been watching the trial every day, and my heart just breaks for his family.

Anonymous said...

I think she went there to seduce him w/ sex and in her annoying giggly voice tried to talk him out of going with Mimi to Cancun, and when he told her he was still going she decided his fate once and for all. Good theory though that she was dressed to make him think she left. Makes sense to me. Also when i listen to their recorded conversation he seems and sounds normal to me, shes the one that sounds very flirty,seductive acting and full of questions. It is sickening! Hearing her stupid little giggle! And not once do i hear him say anything negative to her also he's the one trying to carry on a normal conversation and she will start breathing seductivly like shes pleasuring herself so that he changes the subject back to doing things to her. I hope justice is served for that lieing,fake,manipulative,ugly nose, dirty, conniving,slutty tramp! Had it been my brother, the cops wouldn't have found that bitch! R.I.P Travis...........

OTE admin said...

Baloney. The sex tape totally blew away the notion Jodi killed him over jealousy. If anything, he was the needy one.

BTW, his whole life was a lie. His friends and family never knew him AT ALL.

OTE admin said...

Oh, and there was nothing "normal" about that sex tape. You do know, don't you, that such behavior isn't allowed in the Mormon faith? That's why Travis felt he had to keep her secret.

If she's a slut, so was he. In fact, he was a liar, a cheat, a total scumbag. It doesn't mean he deserved to die, but quit turning a louse into a saint.

Anonymous said...

"prototype slut"
and"I'm going to tie you to a tree and f**k you in the a**"
sounds pretty negative & abusive to me.

some females arnt smart enough to be
offended by it ....especially the young stupid

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And to Susan STAY OFF THIS SITE go to the site "Jodi is Innocent" this is Travis's site. She is filthy, rotten pig who deserves not the death penalty but to rot in prison until the day she takes her last breath. PIG PIG PIG

Unknown said...

That's why you are “anonymous”. Coward.

Anonymous said...

And to Janella, if you are refering to myself being the one saying "go on jodi is innocent site" have some respect! You and all you Travis bashers get on the right blog. Jodi is a PIG PIG, nympho, murderer and than some. I think all you people who think that she is innocent all need a shrink!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally sometime with a brain!i Agree!!

Anonymous said...

Yes! That's right had he lived his religion a little better, not having sex day if her baptism etc he'd be alive today

Anonymous said...

"Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog
This is just a bunch of random thoughts, excerpts from a book I am writing, or me being stupid."'s you being stupid.

Anonymous said...

I really don't care if he led her on. I don't care if he used her for sex. I don't care if he was a man of God or a liar. This does not excuse a murder. When will we stop excusing murderers of their offenses due to their childhoods or due to their feelings being hurt? I'm disgusted by anyone who justifies such brutality simply because this man MAY not have treated her with respectt or MAY have led her on. Basically, anyone can kill someone when they become hurt or angry or feel used and then turn around and use emotional distress as an excuse? If you can't be angry or hurt without brutally murdering someone then you do not belong in society because life is full if people who use you, hurt you and disrespect you. Are we, as a society, really going to start excusing such evil? I pray his family finds peace in the midst of this turmoil.

Anonymous said...

Amen to the last post #297!!! I agree with you 100000%!!! She not get away with any of the slaughtering of Travis. And for those of you "women" bashing him, perhaps you are just like HER a PIG!!!!! Deal with being used because you have allowed. Most classy, respectful women can see they are being used and walk away, not some freak and stalker and then ultimately a murderer.

Anonymous said...

All Mormons suck! They break the whole "judge not.." rule. most judgemental religion on the planet. All about the $.

Anonymous said...

All Mormons suck!!

Anonymous said...

Mormons are stupid inbreds. Travis treated Jodi with the same egotistical arrogance that Mormons. use to judge the rest of the world. yet the rest of the world doesn't simulate throat slashing during a wedding. and when did Joseph smith ok people if color to join the church? No doubt he came to a bishop in a "vision".

Anonymous said...

Mormons are very bad people. they are secretive, judgmental, and just plain weird. too bad he didn't have his garments on, Joseph smith would have saved him.

Anonymous said...

"You are the ultimate slut in bed," Alexander wrote in the messages. "When it's done, the intensity will make your body feel like you have been raped… You'll rejoice in being a whore that's sole purpose in life is to be mine, to have animalistic sex with me and to please me in any way I desire."

Anonymous said...

Yeah and Jodi LOVED that kind of talk!!! She was faking NOTHING on that phone tape. She is what we politely call a WHORE!!!!!!!!!! sHE ENTICED into it ALL!!! What 30 year old male does not know about KY?

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you just because he is dead now does not mean that he is a saint

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Yeah and Jodi LOVED that kind of talk!!! She was faking NOTHING on that phone tape. She is what we politely call a WHORE!!!!!!!!!! sHE ENTICED into it ALL!!! What 30 year old male does not know about KY?

February 16, 2013 at 10:35 AM"

oh,the "The Forbidden Fruit" plea.
if it wernt for that "wicked eve"


Anonymous said...

I just found "you tube videos" one Jodi posted after Travis's death where you can clearly hear her laughing at his presentation (physcho nut case) and the other where her "cellmates" are holding up signs to "free Jodi". OMG OMG OMG. She literally makes me nauseau. And for the person who reposted my original post about the KY, etc. Your point is? We should all keep in mind that this woman or WHORE whatever she is practically decapitated a human being. We slaughter our cows better.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my point is' women shouldnt be held to higher standards than men,and made to take responsibility
for men's "choices" thats why we have so many "misogynist" wreaking havoc in womens lives. just my opinion ....

Anonymous said...

Has anyone been listening to the "real" Jodi thru the tape?? Her portrayal of an innocent little flower was believable until she talks about how she wants Travis to cum inside her... She was so desperate to be the one and only for Travis and continued to be his sexual play toy believing that would do it! Listen... It is so apparent what went on the day she murdered Travis and self defense couldn't be further from it! No matter what race, creed or religion.. A man is a man and if an attractive woman is game for having sex and nothing else a guy is going for it! She knew what the situation was.. The blame is not on him because he is a typical man.. The blame is on the jealous psycho who murdered him because he didn't want her as a life long companion!!!

Anonymous said...


indianacornstalk said...

That skank whore was nothing bu t a stalker and a obsessed loser. She wasn't even of the same caliber of person as Travis, she had NO high school education even, hell she only got that while her sorry ass was locked up in jail at the TAXPAYERS expense!!! She had NO prospects for a future other than waiting tables. She tried to ride Travis's coat tails and she interjected herself into his world, his job, his friends. He wanted her GONE and she couldn't handle it and when she found out about the trip Travis was taking with Mimi that is when she couldn't stand it anymore and planned her little trip. She pestered him constantly about stupid stuff like a child would, she wrote asinine emails and texts about being his "Friend" and bothering him constantly. You can hear his frrustration in the text messages and also if ole nasty whore Jodi hated the way she was treated she did NOT have to drive out of her way over 1000 miles to allow some man to treat her bad? I know of NO woman that would do that, none. The jury, I hope doesn't believe a bit of her lies and insanity. She deserves nothing but the DEATH PENALTY for what she did. In a matter of just a couple minutes Travis went from taking a hot shower to lying near death on the cold wet floor of that bathroom. In just MINUTES....she is a cold blooded, premeditated murderer and she should die. I feel SO badly for his family and friends having to sit and listen to all of her lies. It just breaks my heart...

Anonymous said...

I hope you made that skanky bitch suck her shitty feces off your cock after fucking her deep in the shitbox. The little butthurt cunt.

Anonymous said...

He did not deserve to die...

But the guy is a hypocritical looser. The world is no worse off without him.

Anonymous said...

I think eddie snell may have had some roid rage going on ...

Anonymous said...

I actually knew Jodi from JR high, before she moved to's crazy to be watching this all unfold. I wast close with her, we just had mutual friends...never thought she would be capable of something like this. It's like one of those Bio channels "deadliest women" episodes, so surreal.

Anonymous said...

Damn, you fail at using English properly

di_1979 said...

You were a wonderful writer & were spot on about relationships and working on ourselves in order to do better, be better, and seek better. May you RIP.

Betty F said...

I've been reading a lot of posts. I'm a bit confused by the anon. posters who are judging Travis Alexander who is not here to defend himself. The only "witness" to his abuse is his murderer. I'm 60 years old, so I've lived a while. None of us would want our most personal of times broadcast to the world. None of us is perfect; Only God can see into our hearts which is why only he can judge us. What he may have liked or enjoyed (I don't believe her about him being a deviant) in the bedroom with Jodi does not define him as a man. He clearly was more than the sum of whatever mistakes he may have made in life. I've watched his trial as a mother of four who are some what close to his age, and my heart breaks for his family as they sit daily these last 2 weeks listening to his character being murdered by his killer. I have trouble feeling anything but contempt for her and was glad to see the prosecutor shed light on many of her lies today. My sympathies and prayers go to his family who mourn him daily.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Travis had a gun on him while in the shower. Poor guy didn't even know manipulative, psycho, liars like jodi existed. He was looking for good and got trapped by evil.

Anonymous said...

The pictures of Jodi in "that shirt" were actually taken AFTER Travis was murdered... just sayin'

Anonymous said...

travis was an arrogant jerkoff. he totally abused jodi both mentally and physically. he didnt deserve to be murdered, but when you play with fire, you will get burned. rest in peace you piece of crap!

Anonymous said...

"I hope you made that skanky bitch suck her shitty feces off your cock after fucking her deep in the shitbox. The little butthurt cunt."

As one of Travis' strongest supporters, I can't imagine what possessed you to type such nastiness. Please get yourself to a church, doesn't have to be LDS, but any one will do and learn some respect. And GET OFF THIS BLOG. You're as sick as Jodi is!

Anonymous said...

Betty F said...

"I've been reading a lot of posts. I'm a bit confused by the anon. posters who are judging Travis Alexander who is not here to defend himself. The only "witness" to his abuse is his murderer."

Betty, not true. Nothing is a false allegation against Travis. It's all recorded by...Travis, himself in the form of texts, emails and voicemails to Jodi.

"...(I don't believe her about him being a deviant)..."

I don't believe much of what Jodi says, either, but I believe the recorded information. You're in denial, Betty.

Anonymous said...

"The pictures of Jodi in "that shirt" were actually taken AFTER Travis was murdered... just sayin'"

You're very good at spreading disinformation, aren't you? "Just sayin'" doesn't make something fact. You can suggest all you want, but you're not credible when you "just say..." something and provide nothing to back it up.

Anonymous said...

The reason I came to this blog today was because I've been reviewing Jodi's testimony and I was hoping for a good deal of sincerity from her, but it's all an act. She has clearly prepared and thought through every question that would confront her during these proceedings.

I have an awful "what if?" feeling in my gut about the jury buying her testimony. I hope they are intelligent enough to see beyond her performance on the stand.

Anonymous said...

they were "TOXIC" together .and its easy to block out traumatic events,people do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

if people loved & knew travis so well,why did he lay in his home so long dead and no one even thought to check on him?...not that it would have made a difference.just wondering...

Aubri in Argentina said...

Has proof been given that Travis actually bought her the shirt and shorts? An order? Receipts? That reeks more of an obsessed girl who went out and bought them herself thinking he would find them endearing.

Anonymous said...

I havnt heard travis say anything in the sex tape to contradict anything she has said about the relationship.

Anonymous said...

Listen, all you people who are saying stupid things like his voice in the tape does not contradict her testimony, etc. Travis is this and that, I quite frankly, as a female am offended. This whore has had almost 5 years to read books on abused women, their mannerisms, how it affects them, etc., she has drummed all this up in her head and she is BELIEVING HER OWN LIES TO SAVE HER ASS FROM THE DEATH PENALTY. If you people can't see this, get off this site because it is Travis' blog and his family must be reading this also; show some respect. If any of you are sane, would you almost decapitate someone becuz they didn't want you. Personally I think no man is worth my self respect!!!!

Travis supporter said...

Travis's "The state vs Jodi Arias" is run by renegade administrators. You will be banned if you disagree with them. I stuck up for a person that was being bullied on that site. I said only a few words and certainly nothing disrespectful. The issue started because a women did not feel the pictures of "the death gurney" as the header. I don't think Travis's or his family would appreciate how this FB is being run. I do intend to notify his sister about this. I think they are showing disrespect for Travis's memory. These idiot admins threatened to ban anyone that puts Geraldo Rivera's interview with Gus Searcy on the site.

I'm sure the "old bags" administrating this site feel they have some type of power. They best get over it. The trial will end and they will be a memory.

I support Travis and look forward to watching the guilty verdict. God Bless his family and friends. I believe they will see each other again.

RIP Travis

Anonymous said...

"would you almost decapitate someone becuz they didn't want you."

I think it would take more than that to cause someone to go off like that.

just my opinion...

Travis supporter said...

I truly said nothing negative at all. I was surprised to be banned for no reason. Either you agree with the Admins or they will block you. They allow people with different opinions to bash others. It is a really pathetic site. I find the Admins to be full of themselves and not really the sharpest tools in the box. I am composing a letter to Tanisha and am sending examples to her. We shall see how she feels about this.

RIP Travis

Travis supporter said...

Jodi better hold on to her horses come Monday. The forged letters are coming out. Juan is going to put a nail in her coffin and there is nothing she can do about it. Her lies have caught up with her. I hope her friend Matt will face charges too. I believe he perjured himself.

Travis was a kind man and I honor him. May his family take comfort in knowing that most of the USA is praying for justice.

RIP Travis

Anonymous said...

I certainly dont think she is a saint..but I think playing games with her was a bad "choice" ...

it wasnt like she didnt have a line of men wanting to hook up with her,and not just for sex.

Anonymous said...

"would you almost decapitate someone becuz they didn't want you."

I think it would take more than that to cause someone to go off like that.

just my opinion...

February 24, 2013 at 6:41 AM

Well your opinion, quite honestly, is very immature. Have you heard of personality disorders? This girl is a lunatic and in a fit of rage and jealousy, you can do just about anything. She was a possessive, jealous, nympho maniac, that he should have stayed clear of. I don't believe that he knew she was coming that fateful nite and what red blooded male would refuse a sexual liason? Think about what you say before you engage your opinion.

Anonymous said...

"would you almost decapitate someone becuz they didn't want you."

I think it would take more than that to cause someone to go off like that.

just my opinion...

February 24, 2013 at 6:41 AM

Well your opinion, quite honestly, is very immature. Have you heard of personality disorders? This girl is a lunatic and in a fit of rage and jealousy, you can do just about anything. She was a possessive, jealous, nympho maniac, that he should have stayed clear of. I don't believe that he knew she was coming that fateful nite and what red blooded male would refuse a sexual liason? Think about what you say before you engage your opinion.

Anonymous said...

as a 54 year old woman,I'm hardly
immature.. ..and I know a "playah" when I see one .
it takes 2 to tango...

and your not obligated to read my opinion :/

Anonymous said...

Pity TA didnt keep his magic protective undergarments on and his penis under control, he'd probably still be alive if he hadnt been such a horndog hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if, subconsciously or otherwise, Jodi Arias was the golddigger he mentioned. I find Travis's blog so sad now, all his hopes and dreams destroyed. RIP soon, justice is coming.

Anonymous said...

Pity TA didnt keep his magic protective undergarments on and his penis under control, he'd probably still be alive if he hadnt been such a horndog hypocrite

JODI IS INNOCENT SITE IS FOR YOU; STAY OFF THIS BLOG!!! That site is for sickos like you. Praytell tell me this; if Travis (RIP your wonderful, sweet person) broke her finger on 01/22/2008, how in the hell could the bitch write in her journal two days later? She is left handed what we saw in the interrogation room when she was in her pretty orange garm. She drew a map for the detective. Pls. answer this question.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous February 25, 2013 at 7:34 AM:

Before you go Jodi on me, think about what I wrote. If he had kept his chastity vows, she would not have believed there was a future for the two of them.

I can tell you for sure that no penis goes where it does not want to go, Jezebel or no Jezebel beckoning it.

At any time, he could have pressed charges against her and got a restraining order, but he didn't. Instead, he chose to keep her on a string and continued having sex with her.

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace. My heart breaks for your family.

Anonymous said...

I am a TRAVIS supporter all the way and yesterday JA stated the she lost consciousness when Travis choked her. Well does anyone else remember she said that before about one of her prior boyfriends, I think his name was Bobby. Pls if anyone can get this information on facebook (I am not a facebooky)pls post this. Bobby was a friend of Matt's who she slept with after Bobby. This woman has to go to jail for 1st degree murder!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i will say that I have to stop watching this whole fiasco!!! JA is a total liar and I cannot accept the fact that she is getting away with what she is saying in out court of law. I have to back away because she is making me crazy; she is a pathological liar end of statement. She has no credibility, she almost decapitated him, tortured him and she expects to go to heaven. No Jodi there is a good place for you and that is to rot in hell. I can't stand your thoughts, looks, demeanor, sexual deviance, manipulation, (your huge asshole that shows you are very familiar with anal sex)I hope and pray to God (my God, not yours) that you rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

"(your huge asshole that shows you are very familiar with anal sex)I hope and pray to God (my God, not yours) that you rot in hell."

wow,is this one of the "godly" people?

this is why I dont like religion.

Anonymous said...

I'm truly sorry for what happened to Travis, but according to his very own words, (blog MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2008
Why we are here...: ), Travis is 100% responsible for where he is right now. He could have walked away from Jodi, he could have filed charges against her, he could have taken out a protection order against her, but instead he chose to continue to deliberately reel her in and use her for sex.

"If you want to know why life is the way it is, For the good or the bad, you don't have to look any farther than the nearest mirror. Thats right it is my opinion that 100% of where you are depends on you. Now you don't have to agree but if you will do yourself the favor of accepting 100% responcibility for where you are in life, then and only then can you change your life."
Travis Alexander, APRIL 14, 2008
Why we are here...

Anonymous said...

I agreee.They were essentially the same ego driven person. Both dishonest, untrustworthy,game playing, exploitive,angry, unkind people. They both engaged in that tangled web. Travis wouldn't have gone on to contribute much to the world. He would purport to be some great self help leader concerned about others while privately mistreating and exploiting those he deemed beneath him. He is an abuser who played Mr. Nice Guy. And Jodi Arias was not strong minded enough to refrain from drinking the Kool Ade.

Anonymous said...

"If you people can't see this, get off this site..."

It's laughable how you keep demanding that those who don't completely support Travis need to get off this site. Has it worked? Huh?

Anonymous said...

"Well your opinion, quite honestly, is very immature. Have you heard of personality disorders? This girl is a lunatic and in a fit of rage and jealousy, you can do just about anything. She was a possessive, jealous, nympho maniac, that he should have stayed clear of. I don't believe that he knew she was coming that fateful nite and what red blooded male would refuse a sexual liason? Think about what you say before you engage your opinion."


Anonymous said...

"Pity TA didnt keep his magic protective undergarments on and his penis under control, he'd probably still be alive if he hadnt been such a horndog hypocrite."

Ain't that the truth?!

Anonymous said...

"That site is for sickos like you."

If that's true then this site is for bitches like you.

"Praytell tell me this..."

This clause does so much to highlight your stupidity. Pray tell is TWO (2) words, and to include the word "tell" following the phrase is simply redundant.

Go educate yourself before you make yourself look like a fool again.

Anonymous said...

"(your huge asshole that shows you are very familiar with anal sex)I hope and pray to God (my God, not yours) that you rot in hell.'

wow,is this one of the "godly" people?

this is why I dont like religion"

No kidding! It's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Jodi's testimony is helping her cause so much.

Whatever her sentence, she will still have a plethora of support, namely from women who have been in her position before, most of who age with wisdom to realize the man wasn't worth the trouble. There is no doubt Jodi will arrive at the same conclusion, if she hasn't already.

Anonymous said...

There is alot to think about because of this horrible crime that took place. One thing I think about is that Travis must have been one of the most non-violent people because of the absence of wounds on Jodi. Think about it, with all she did to him, and all she ended up with was cuts to her fingers (possibly arms). He didn't even harm her in the moment of being hurt himself.
My heart and prayers go to his family and friends. I am a total stranger and feel a lump in my throat at times, I can't imagine how all his friends and family must feel. If they do read this I hope they have some comfort in knowing that Jodi will pay for what she has done. If not here, on this earth, then in life after she dies.

Anonymous said...

^^^ go play on traffic slut!^^^ go play on traffic dirty slut!!!
No one needs your negative opinion, your the pig and you probably look like one

Anonymous said...

I'm assumeing one of the fatal blows (head or chest) was delivered first.otherwise he could have stopped her.

no one is going to sit still to be stuck repeatedly,no one is that much of a gentleman.

Anonymous said...

Jodi thought she could win Travis by tempting him with sex. When that didn't work, and she knew she was out the door it pissed her off to no end.

She didn't just shoot him because she wanted him to suffer, and I think she enjoyed every minute of it.

Look in her eyes. There is a demon in there.

Anonymous said... to ill of do not know is very pathetic. He had premarital sex, who cares. Does that make.getting murdered justified? I'm sure you're.probably one.of.the many dicks who Jodi has sucked in.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jodi thought she could win Travis by tempting him with sex. When that didn't work, and she knew she was out the door it pissed her off to no end.

She didn't just shoot him because she wanted him to suffer, and I think she enjoyed every minute of it.

Look in her eyes. There is a demon in there.

February 28, 2013 at 6:48 PM"

from what I've heard, a 22 just bounces around and does damage.that sounds like a person would suffer.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Travis dog? Any idea?

Anonymous said...

What a ass........I am sure since u r such a jodi fan u will get your chance to join her in hell...up are probably a psycho to

Anonymous said...

It's been happening for centuries and will still happen. There are young girls who will attach themselves to a young man, and then try to control him, keep him, never let him be himself and never let him go.
Most of all, it seems to be the NICE young men who have trouble ridding themselves of these evil young women, because they truly are sweet inside, and caring. They don't just brush the young woman off in a rude way, and are usually susceptible to the whining and lying.
I think that it shows that Travis was such a good young man, who wouldn't be mean, even to get rid of someone.
She is the type that takes advantage.
She obviously, is evil.
RIP Travis.

Anonymous said...

God bless you and your family, Travis.

Anonymous said...

I"m not really a jodi fan...I think it was totaly "premeditated" I think she was PISSED!I think she went there
going "if this as*ho*e pops off with any more pompus sh*t*y remarks,he's going down!"

I just picture it going down like that.I cant picture anything else.

but at the same time,I can relate to that.been there.

Anonymous said...

Just to memorialize you: I wanted to say God bless you Travis and your family most of all may God grant them Peace that surpasses all understanding. I know you were not perfect Travis; none of us are; only Him our Heavenly Father we strive to become more like every day of our lives is Perfect, Holy. Your words have inspired me, your inner struggle I can relate to; at one time I too was way too carnal in relationships. My heart is so heavy that you were not allowed the time to overcome your inner struggle but there is no doubt in my mind; you are with our Lord now; no more suffering for you and no doubt your words will continue to inspire and also uplift young men born to similar circumstances as your life. There is no doubt for me; at least, that you will never be forgotten. I wish you had never met the evil that you did; but one thing is for certain; you sensed it in her, around her and on her; hopefully, not only your lovely inspirational words in this blog will live on but also your untimely death be left as a warning; young men do not associate with women like that. God rest your soul Travis, I know you are resting safe in His arms. All my love to your family left to endure this unspeakable tragedy.

Anonymous said...

what's really sad is pigs like this that defile a dead mans page with hateful bile. you aren't worth a stomped dog turd.

opinion said...

I think the person who claimed being Travis friend and who requested to leave this blog alone since it is a place to remember Travis..was right..everybody should stop to write here..there is a site : jodiisinnocent..and it is very strange actually that nobody trashes her in her site...but do it on this site, so please for the respect of his soul and of his family, please write your comment on her site or just create a new blog..which is free, but this blog should remain intact. Also for the very harsh comment against TA...people you didn't realise that it is probably most likely jodi sister and her supporter?

Anonymous said...

more than likely its my who dont really have an opinion about the situation one way or another,but are harassing I said before,ignore them.

Anonymous said...

Well written mandy, I couldn't have said it better myself. I do believe that he was a good person with a good heart.

Anonymous said...

It's laughable how you keep demanding that those who don't completely support Travis need to get off this site. Has it worked? Huh?


Anonymous said...

The woman. Is a nymphomaniac, she was obsessed with him and she stalked him. She was the sexual aggressor in the so called relationship.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's laughable how you keep demanding that those who don't completely support Travis need to get off this site. Has it worked? Huh?


March 2, 2013 at 7:05 AM"

paranoid much?

Anonymous said...

Love people and use things...NOT love things and use people! If we could learn how to stop treating each other like OJBECTS and instead really treated ourselves and others as EQUALS...maybe tragedies like this wouldn't happen as often as they do in our country...and world! Some lessons are very simple. And this is one of them.

Anonymous said...

Travis never deserved any of this u stupid piece of shit! She is a sociopath, her day is comin......i dont care how many names u get called its no reason to kill someone so brutally..they were broke up. Just because your a Mormon does not make you a bad person!!!! Hope she gets the death penalty!!!! You shouldnt talk so bad about could of been sick bastard!!! Justice for Travis!!!! RIP Travis!!!

Unknown said...

That's very brave of you insulting a man that isn't here any longer. And them anonymously. And you should take some writing classes because your spelling sucks!

Also, I believe that Travis was honest with her from the get go. I believe he told her he wasn't going to marry her ever and she continued sleeping with him. I think she decided to kill him after she found out he was dating other women looking for a woman to marry. Just because he slept with her, that doesn't make him a bad person. Just human, how many of us women and men alike haven't engaged in the same kind of sexual acts with our partners? Then we move on when things don't work out. WE Don't just go around killing our partners just because it's over. Jodi is a very sick person who doesn't take rejection lightly.

Anonymous said...

This guy was a sexual deviant, nasty pervert who like to treat her like a whore and phuck her in the bunghole - nothing but a nasty faggot and a big liar and fake facade! She is disgusting too but this guy was no saint!

Anonymous said...

Look, Travis was open about being a work in progress. Being with Jodi probably inspired him to break from his bad behavior to achieve something better in his love life. It does not seem that he respected her. It seems she didn't respect herself. This is what young people experience in life before they figure things out. To those of you who think his behavior defined him or led to his brutal murder-you are a work in progress like the rest of us. You just haven't made much progress from Neandrathal. That's okay. You're still alive as is Jodi--you can learn and grow and improve on yourselves-Travis cannot.

Anonymous said...

"Being with Jodi probably inspired him to break from his bad behavior to achieve something better in his love life."

Being a baptised member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints probably inspired him to lie so that he could hide the fact that he was engaging in premarital sex. Otherwise, if he weren't religious, premaritial sex wouldn't be an offense, even morally.

Anonymous said...

Travis Alexander had his issues as we all do..he enjoyed the sex as did she... she knew it was his weakness and she used that...regardless that doesn't give her the right to kill him... she could have ran out the doggie door or call 911if she was feeling in harms way..i think she's a whore dog.... she derserves death... my thoughts and prayers to Alexander family.... SAD.....RIP Travis....

Anonymous said...

You people make me sick. This is Travis' personal blog. He is dead. Regardless of whether or not you believe Jodi was "abused" or whatever.. This is not the place to argue about it. I personally hope she rots in hell. I''m an abuse victim and I could never, ever do something like that to anyone but I digress, his family and loved ones should be able to come on here and not have to see such bullshit. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they can give her the photos of her handy work to put on her wall in prison for alittle reminder as to why her home is smaller then TA Closet!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

They were just speculating as to what possibly could have happened in Jodi's mind betwee May 10th and June 4th. If you read this from her twisted, stalking, obssessed and in denial point of view, you can easily see this would have absolutely enraged her. He lit a timebomb and didn't even know it.
So incredibly sad.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous... EVERYONE IS FUCKED UP!!! Some more than others.. so if he killed her would u be singing the same tune? Jist because he wasn't perfect, just like her, LIKE ALL OF US doesn't mean he deserved to be brutally murdered asshole. Just because he sinned differently than u doesn't mean anything.. or if he deserved to die because of the sins he delt with than so do u right? ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE US.. because only he is with out sin.. read a bible for christ sake.

Jackie Howe said...

What a sad ending to a wonderful life. Taken so young the in such a horrific manner.

Jackie Howe said...

Such a sad ending to a young life. What a horrific way to die. Pure evil.

Anonymous said...

"she could have ran out the doggie door or call 911if she was feeling in harms way"

Gee, where have I read something in this context before? Oh, I know, it's the following quote from an earlier commenter (approx. msg #3), but who was referring to the options Travis had if he felt threatened by having Jodi as an unwelcome visitor that early morning. Here's the quote...

"I agree very chilling but if he knew why didn't he bolt up the doggy door, get a sufficient alarm system, and call 911 when she mysteriously showed up?"

How pathetically stupid you are for stealing from someone else's quote!!! What a retard!!!

Anonymous said...



Well, should be worried about what God thinks of you right now.

Anonymous said...

Jackie Howe said...
What a sad ending to a wonderful life. Taken so young the in such a horrific manner.

March 6, 2013 at 10:08 PM

Jackie Howe said...
Such a sad ending to a young life. What a horrific way to die. Pure evil.

March 6, 2013 at 10:11 PM

Gee...could you rephrase that just one more time? How about two more times? Why not make it three?

(A bit redundant, aren't we?)

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for judging a group of people. I am not Mormon but I respect the majority of those whose path I have crossed. Don't judge a group by one or a few.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I know about abuse. She was not abused. Her dad slapped her maybe twice. Her mother swatted her with a wooden spoon once. I wish my childhood would have been so simple. I don't believe she has the personality that would put up with abuse and she is trying to behave like someone as she has read about being abused and her lack if empathy doesn't allow her to be a better actress as an abused woman. She is guilty of planning his murder out of jealousy. She gave him sex and wanted him and he still realized she was not marriage material for him.

Anonymous said...

Awe I just saw Travis' chicken dance video someone shared on Facebook; he was so truly adorable! I think many of us feel we know him through all the videos and pictures (happier times) we have been blessed enough to see; and the one that Hollie and Jacob Mefford shared about Travis' near death experience was chilling. All I want to say is Travis you were such a special young man and wish all of us could have known you in person, in life; my prayers to the family and friends of him. May God bless you all. I am praying for justice for Travis.

Anonymous said...

I wish that Travis' family would find a way to shut down this blog so that it could be his and his alone again. No matter what his character and no matter what his choices, he was a young man who had his whole life ahead of him. It didn't deserve to end like it did. This is a tragedy. I wish someone at "" could freeze the account until his family can claim it.

Anonymous said...

I wish that Travis' family would find a way to shut down this blog so that it could be his and his alone again. No matter what his character and no matter what his choices, he was a young man who had his whole life ahead of him. It didn't deserve to end like it did. This is a tragedy. I wish someone at "" could freeze the account until his family can claim it.

Anonymous said...

20HI wish that Travis' family would find a way to shut down this blog so that it could be his and his alone again. No matter what his character and no matter what his choices, he was a young man who had his whole life ahead of him. It didn't deserve to end like it did. This is a tragedy. I wish someone at "" could freeze the account until his family can claim it.

Anonymous said...

20HI wish that Travis' family would find a way to shut down this blog so that it could be his and his alone again. No matter what his character and no matter what his choices, he was a young man who had his whole life ahead of him. It didn't deserve to end like it did. This is a tragedy. I wish someone at "" could freeze the account until his family can claim it.

Anonymous said...

you shine - keep going- soar- angel- your legacy is more beautiful than words....

Anonymous said...

Prayers to the Alexander family- especially Tanisha- he is with you- and until then- yes it sucks- but our father God- will see to it no more tears and no more pain...

I trust in him- I have lost- been angry and sad- but God will wipe away all those tears and embrace us- there will be no more pain...hang in there & HUGS- someone that cares....

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else catch this one, JA answered a question from the jury about if anyone witnessed these altercations with Travis and she said Dan Freeman. They pulled over for her to take a photo and Travis locked the doors. Well DF testifined that as a joke Travis etched up with the car!!!!! OMG this girl will stop at nothing. Skank is too nice of a word for her.

Anonymous said...

She has also lied about the cuts on her right fingers. First, it was a glass, now its metal. I just pray to God up above that this jury is as smart as we are. OMG

Anonymous said...

Just to clear up a couple issues that i think have caused confusion in this debate:

Admitting to killing someone is not admitting to murdering someone. Let’s take the military sniper as an example. They premeditate the death, cause the death, practice the death and then carry out the death of people. Yet they are not murderers. Jodi, for whatever reason, was charged with "pre-meditated" MURDER. She has not admitted to murdering him, she has not admitted to pre-meditating his death.

The charge is PREMEDITATED MURDER. not "causing the death of another human while being imoral, stalking, deceptive and trying to cover up these actions with more lies."

Anyone that has watched the trial can see that there is no PROOF of the charge. Same may say she is evil, or lying, or bad, or crazy, but she isn’t charged with "crazy".

For those that want to ignore the FACTS and say she should be guilty on the charge because you feel she has been proven to be "bad"...then i thank our legal system for not allowing you on the jury. We have a standard in our legal system that doesn’t take kindly to scape goat justice.

As a member of our society, i fear for all of those that have been found guilty when one of you ended up on a jury and was able to cause the conviction of someone based on this type of thinking rather than what the law establishes as TRUE cause for a conviction.

This is EXACTLY one of the reasons we must abolish the death penalty in the USA. When people make choices, like the ones i am hearing on these type of blogs, based on fairy tale beliefs in "god", "Jesus", Buddha..the Easter bunny and other fictional characters, it proves that the jury can and often WILL be wrong when they put judgments of death upon someone. You pretend that you believe with all of your heart in “god”, yet you would scoff at the defendant if he or she ever used the “god told me to do it” defense. You would have been in line to toss rocks at your “Jesus” as he carried the cross to the killing grounds. Religion is the great “darkness” of our century, now more than ever because we now know better yet the lemmings continue toward the cliff.

IF Jodi is convicted and sentenced to death, there will be an outcry of epic proportions from sane individuals in our society. Mark my words, sane people are pushed to insane actions when they can justify them...someone will do something about this conviction if it happens.

My opinion: Jodi is guilty of involuntary man slaughter, lying to a police officer, conspiring to cover up a death and maybe some other "minor" felonies. This is because these charges have PROOF that they happened. 10-15 years for each count to be ran concurrent with each other. She should be able for parole in 10 years. I believe that the state needs to investigate the reasons that these were not the charges assigned to this case, rather than the “glamour” and “spot light” of DEATH PENALTY. None of you would even know the name JODI ARIAS or TRAVIS ALEXANDER if Jodi was a man or a non-death penalty case.

Anonymous said...

For comment #402 STAY OFF HERE!!! wE DO NOT want to hear your rederick!! That murderer also lied to the jury about dyeing her hair. Look up the PPL conventions in 2008; it was in April like Ryan stated not in March like she admitted yesterday! This "thing" IS guilty as hell. She is evil, vile, demonic individual that should be removed from society. I want her to sit in prison for the rest of her life without the possibility of parole. Not die, that is too easy!

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