Monday, May 5, 2008

Introduction to "Raising You"

Alright kids after much deliberation, I have decided to post the introduction to the book I am writing. It is not Biographical although it may seem that way from the introduction. It is heavy and I hesitated posting it because it is only partially edited and very revealing. My biggest concern is that some of you may see me seeking pity as a motive. However there is no reason for pity. What you soon will read in my opinion has been the most valuable time of my life. I would change nothing. I have thanked and continue to thank the Lord for these experiances. I see them strictly as blessings and count myself fortunate for them. Furthermore I have suffered no negative side effects from this. With the exception of a dis-taste for insects ( you'll see what I mean). This fact, relative to many of the stories I have heard is a miracle. Which is yet another reason I have to be grateful. Thanks go to Katie Barnes for helping me with the Editing. If you see a grammatical error it's because I didn't let her scourer it yet. The name of the book is "Raising You" I'll explain the meaning of the title in a later post. I'm not afraid of any comments so don't be afraid to post them. Enjoy.

Raising You

Travis Alexander

My childhood unfortunately was very much like any child’s that had drug addict parents. My father was never around which left my siblings and I to the fate given by my mother. A good woman, with the intent at an early age to be a loving mom. A few poor decisions changed that. As she progressively got more involved in drugs she progressively got less capable of raising children. Most commonly was a beating for waking her up. It hurt but we got used to it. I learned how to turn so that when she hit me she would strike my back and arms, the pain was less there. If it was just that I think it would have been relatively manageable. It was not it however. You see when you are high on meth for a week when you eventually come down there is a lot of sleep to catch up on. When you sleep, for four days with a house full of kids, there isn’t any food cooked. We would eat what was there but before long what was edible would be eaten or rot and then what was rotten would be eaten too. I don’t remember much of this I can only think of one instance where I found a piece of moldy bread on the side of the fridge which represented the last thing we could eat. I remember being teased by canned food. Knowing full well what was in the can but not knowing how to use a can opener. I remember the filth admittedly caused by us kids that compounded on itself for weeks and months at a time. With that came thousands and thousands of roaches. My sisters and I found some amusement in the fact that an entire colony of albino roaches had broken out so that house looked like a bunch of moving salt and pepper crawling on everything. To this day I only have one phobia, roaches. There was nothing more disgusting to me than to wake up to feel roaches crawling on my body. The good news is that we finally lost that house. The bad news is our next option was to live in a camper shell in my Aunts back yard. We kept it next to the Garage where the washer and dryer were. The washer wasn’t hooked up to plumbing so the dirty water would drain into the back yard and stagnate there. We were there for more than a year four feet tall, five feet wide and six feet long, my mother, my three sisters and I. We didn’t have the convenience of bathing every day so we tended to stink. I didn’t mind going with out a bath that much really. I was a boy like most and didn’t have a problem being dirty. But I was scared of bathing because if I once got the bathroom floor wet and my mother accused of me of urinating on the floor and threw me half way through a wall.

School wasn’t much better, when your clothes are as dirty as the rest of you and you stink and have lice you don’t make a ton of friends. Sadly as you could imagine I was mocked for my appearance. Nothing too harsh, no where close to what was said at home. I will not give much detail on that as I feel it is inappropriate to state. I will say though I have never heard in any movie, on any street corner, or amongst the vilest of men any string of words so offensive and hateful, said with such disgust as was the words that my mother said to my sisters and I. I remember my mother emptying a revolver on the car my father was driving and my father subsequently taking an axe to my mother’s belongings and destroying them. I remember being on the other side of the front door when my father kicked it down. The police were called that time along with many others, but I knew what had to be said and knew they would leave us to more of the same. I remember the day I came to the conclusion there was a God. I was 6. I screamed as loud as I could all day long for my near by grand mother to get me and take me for the weekend. I screamed so long and loud that I actually woke up my comatose mother long enough to beat me for waking her up. When she went back to bed I went back to screaming to God. Sure enough that evening she came and picked me up, while my mother slept. I could go on and tell you more of mine and worse stories of my siblings but I think enough has been said. I will say that this is nothing, nothing at all compared to the whole of it. This continued until I was ten, when I ran away and I never came back.
During this time I could think of two fond memories of my childhood. The first was Sesame street. My Sisters and I watched it everyday and it took our minds to Sesame street where kids were happy and learning. It took our minds away from Allwood Dr. where we got the Hell beat out of us.
The other was visiting the home of my Great-Grandfather Vic. My Mother didn’t have very much family and even less that she got along with, but she adored my Grandfather. He only lived about an hour away from our family in southern California, but it was rare that she was in any condition that she’d let Vic see her in. About twice a year my Mother would fix herself and us up enough for a visit with my Grandfather. For the most part our visits would be stereotypical. He’d take us out for pizza, to walk his dogs, play checkers and with other toys he kept for us, and taught me how to write the alphabet. However there was one thing that was out of the ordinary about our visits. Every time before my Mother, siblings and I would leave I would go to hug my Grandfather goodbye. Without exception before I received my coveted hug the cheery casual countenance of my Grandfather would change to something very serious. He would then grab me by my shoulders and shake me, then would follow those words, those words that alter every aspect of my life, “Travis, you need to know that you are special, that there is not anything that you can’t do. There is something great inside you. You’re special Travis, don’t you ever forget it.” That was quickly followed by a rigid hug that would squeeze the breath out of me.
Now there is an easy explanation for why my life has been in my opinion, amazing. It is the same reason I have had success financially and otherwise. It is the same reason I feel that every facet of my life has been blessed and continues to be more and more everyday. The reason is that the words my Grandfather said were spoken with such conviction that I believed him. You see what I wasn’t aware of then, that I have since figured out was my Grandfather was savvy to the way Mother was raising her children. She would often make remarks while coming down from drugs about how miserable we all were, that we ruined her life, that we were worthless. Although those words hurt very deeply as you could imagine; every time she would scream those words I would hear his words instead, every time I would feel her fist sink into my back, I could feel my Grandfather’s hands on my shoulders, and I knew she couldn’t reach what was great inside of me. And again I’d hear the words “You’re special Travis, don’t ever forget it.” Then in my mind I would think, “This woman has no idea what she is talking about, she doesn’t know that I am special.” No matter how loud she’d yell those colorful words, she could never top the conviction of my Great-Grandfather Vic. Since then I have come to realize two things. First my Great-Grandfather was right, I am special. I took his advice; I never forgot it and I never will. Second I have learned I am no better than anyone else. So as you read this book I hope that you will let these pages grab you by the shoulders and shake you and tell you that you are special. That there is something great inside you. I pray that you will allow the words you read stare deep into your eyes and instill into you that there isn’t anything that you can not do. My desire is that this book will do for you what Grandpa Vic did for me. Help me believe what is already true. That you are special.


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hamiltonian said...

That was amazing. I was touched. Needs a few litle editing changes, as you are aware, but WOW! I can't wait to read more!

The Perkins Family said...

Very powerful stuff. The story is powerful obviously, but so is the way it is written. I can't wait to read more.

Jodi Arias said...

I'm liking the new and improved version. It flows.

Unknown said...

I like it. Very powerful. I'd buy it :)

Anonymous said...

=] amazing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's correct. She MURDERED her abuser. Now both of their lives are over. I'm betting her ultimate sacrifice of her own freedom and life is worth how she brought an end to his life of inflicting abuse, and pretending to be someone and something he's not.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read it. That's true what you said Travis, you are indeed Special, and continue to touch many lives.

Anonymous said...

She drove 1000 miles to his house at 4 am to first sleep because she was tired from driving..when they woke up they had sex, and she stabbed him in the heart while she had him pose in the shower.He was down when she stabbed him..are you nuts??

Anonymous said...

She was taking photos

Anonymous said...

Travis didn't abuse her..she made it up because she was stalking him and then finally got to him one last time with more of her crazy sexual games.The guy could not say no to her and when he finally did tell her he was going to Cancun with a new friend who was a nice Mormon girl that he was dating. Jodi went nuts on him after they had sex because she is crazy as jealous.

Anonymous said...

Read what? He was killed...are you ok?

Anonymous said...

He sure does..We love you Trav!!!

Anonymous said...

RIP man. Xoxo

Anonymous said...

We know your with the good still inspire people!

Anonymous said...

She is so evil...and she lied 2x about what happened...stole her Grandpas gun and used it on Travis!!

Anonymous said...

Crazy ass Jodi was stalking him...he told someone he was nervous of her antics.

Anonymous said...

Travis is with his Grandpa for sure, rip Travis

Anonymous said...

Did any of you actually LISTEN to the testimony of Det. Flores???

Trav couldn't say no to Jodi, and she couldn't say no to him. It was a bad set-up but he should've cut it off clean and dry, instead of thinking with his other head.

Jodi thought she was doing the next woman a favor, because certainly he would have continued his charade, but eventually his controlling behaviour as well, establishing a pattern of abuse.

I wonder if Jodi will grant any interviews after she's convicted. I feel sympathy for her family who must feel shame and regret.

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Travis. I hope you get all the good things in heaven that you were looking for down here.

Friend of Travis said...


Please either get the facts straight or quit posting such despicable remarks on this blog post. A good man was murdered and an evil woman awaits her fate for that offense.

Anonymous said...

You are obviously projecting. I "get the facts straight" from the trial.

Follow your own advice and refrain from posting baseless comments!

Anonymous said...

Any deluded person who defends that HEINOUS MURDERER IS BEYOND TWISTED! She chose to take it up the bum!! We live in a time that shows like. "Girls", wins awards???!! Women who choose to degrade themselves in order to get a man they CAN'T HAVE!!! Properly at least! Sodomy is something that "She" was willing to do!!! No one who doesn't want to be sodomized doesn't drive a thousand miles to allow it!!! Unless, they thought taking it up their bum will somehow change a man's opinion of them & take them to Mexico??? Twisted thinks that because Jodi Arias had a sore heinie all for nothing, she had the right to stab, torture, and shoot her object of obsession is ok?? WTF? Anyone with the slightest street smarts can see through that pitiful piece of ass!!! Classy pics!!! She looks so upset in them, please!!! There wasn't a teeny slight look of shame! That is the most vulgar part of the pic! Maybe the loads of cellulite all over her thighs made her embarrased! She looks like the PIG SHE IS!

Anonymous said...

This brought a tear to me eye. I had a similar childhood didnt have the cool grandparents tho :( Wish I could read this book.

Anonymous said...

This brought a tear to me eye. I had a similar childhood didnt have the cool grandparents tho :( Wish I could read this book.

Anonymous said...

Since Mormons believe in different levels of sin and that vaginal sex isn't as sinful as anal and oral, then I suppose jacking off is at the top of their list. Maybe that's where the term, "Jack Mormon" comes from.

Anonymous said...

Have u no shame? ! His family and loved ones come here for comfort and to hear his voice if only for a moment and the disrespect some of you are showing them with your hurtful and at times ignorant remarks is shameful!!!!!! You surly wouldn't speak that why if you where in the same room with them would you? You can hide behind this screen from them but not from God .....I hope know one ever hurts your loved ones the way you words are hurting Travis's.

Anonymous said...

Have u no shame? ! His family and loved ones come here for comfort and to hear his voice if only for a moment and the disrespect some of you are showing them with your hurtful and at times ignorant remarks is shameful!!!!!! You surly wouldn't speak that why if you where in the same room with them would you? You can hide behind this screen from them but not from God .....I hope know one ever hurts your loved ones the way you words are hurting Travis's.
copied and agreed- please you all!

January 16, 2013 at 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...

This is proof that SHE kept STALKING and CONTACTING HIM !!! If she was a poor abused little girl like she lies that she was then why the heck was she STALKING HIS BLOGS and COMMENTING ON THEM??? SHE IS A LIAR!! OBSESSIVE AND CRAZY!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this Jody's mom or something? Because obviously she had no friends and no one in their right mind would defend CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

She was seducing him!!! Don't blame the victim!!

Anonymous said...

I never got to meet travis or Jodi and I can only base my opinion on the evidence and testimony that I've seen in court. But from a third party perspective travis got caught up in a fatal attraction. Whether or not he was cheating on Jodi or he was using her sexually or according to her ridiculous defense "she dropped his camera and he lunged for her and she had to kill him in defense" - none of justify the actions she took before during and after the murder. While the defense has yet to state their case, I doubt there will be any physical evidence corroborating her allegations of abuse. She WILLINGLY took those sexual pictures. And despite Mormon belief, premarital sex and scandalous bed room behavior is not illegal. If Jodi had any lasting hope of not spending the rest of her godforsaken life in a maximum security prison, she would have kept her mouth such and not made several police and news interviews without her attorneys present; even so the bloody handprint, the pictures on Travis' camera, it's all too damning. Only two people know what really happened that day. I hope Travis' message lives on through the words he has spoken and the people he has touched. Whether or not Jodi gets the death penalty or she rots in her tiny cell the rest of her life; she will be judge by a higher power in this life and the next few to come for the horrific crime she committed.

evie said...

Two things came to mind.. 1st as I read travis' recount on how he had trained himself to turn and give his mother his back when ever she would go to strike him. It made me think of how Travis was stabbed so many times in the back. Had he Instinctively done the same that night in order to protect himself from her? The second thing that struck me was after reading this entry in its entirity I felt like poor Travis had abusive mommy issues that sadly perpetuated into his adulthood. I think he subconsciously attracted or felt drawn to another abusive woman and he was the true victim in this case. Up until now I could not understand how he could have allowed this girl who he knew was unstable and stalking him into his home that night and now it makes sense. Because of his experiences with his abusive mother travis was vulnerable to accepting this unstable woman into his life and i cant help but think how sad and tragic his story began and ended. Rest in peace Travis. I pray for his family & friends.

Anonymous said...

Wow, evie, that was some good insight. It gives me pause and makes me quite sympathetic.

Thank you.

Amber G. said...

I hope your family publishes your book in your memory. You deserve to be remembered for more then the way you died.

Anonymous said...

Thank you~God Bless

Anonymous said...

Wow..reading "Raising You" brings it all full circle. I too, was wondering why he would continue in an unhealthy relationship (although like Travis, MOST adults have had them too) now it makes sense from what he experienced in his relationships as a child. It is heart breaking to know the beginning and the ending of his life, but inspiring that he was able to turn his life around, even for the short time he was here. I have been following Travis' story only for a short time. I did not know him or his killer(her name is not worthy of writting)
It is Very, Very of those that makes you ask
"Why God..?"
In my opinion, even though Travis had his demons from childhood, struggled with his religion and faith, and ultimatly lost his short lived life at the hands of the devil...he was put here on earth to Inspire!
So I am thanking him for his blogs and for the bravery in which his family must face to keep them up, since there are so many haters in this world. Sadly, the World-wide web can be a hateful place!

A note to his family and friends:
When this trial is done and she is locked away, and all the haters and bashers move on to the next headline...may you find peace in knowing there are compassionate people out here that will continue to be inspired by Travis' written words. May God Bless you and help you to keep his memory alive!

cOOkie said...

First off, this journal entry brought me to tears. I had a rough childhood, as well. A lot of hiding behind doors, fearful that my Dad would kill my Mom on any given night (when he had too much time and alcohol on his hands). My home was not filled with love, it was filled with fear, stress, severe anxiety. No feelings of safety from what my brother and I feared the most: my Dad.

Reading this small portion of Travis' childhood helped me to see these things can be overcome. You can never get the memories out of your mind and if you let them they will hold you back and haunt you until your dying day. But Travis chose to focus on the greatness his grandfather saw in him. I have hope in my heart that one day I, too, can come to realize what happened "to me" had nothing to do with how special I am and what I am capable of.

In this moment, I hope Travis knows his words will forever be in my mind every time I feel inferior and helpless. I will try my best to turn the "beatings" into "hugs", so to speak.

Secondly, I understand this blog brings out a lot of anger and bitterness from some of you who never heard of Travis until he made the news but .. every argument you engage in on this site taints what this man intended this journal to be about. There are message boards all over the internet for debates. Please, try and show some respect by arguing and finger pointing elsewhere.

Everyone has a voice that deserves to be heard. This place represents his voice. He had a lot of inspiration to share with too little time to share it. It saddens me that his life's path redirected him elsewhere. There is good and there is bad in all of us to varying degrees. Nobody is perfect. I am not here to express any negative feelings towards him or anyone else.

I just wanted to thank Travis for reminding me that change is possible. An abused child can grow up to be more valuable than they were raised to believe.

"You're special, don't ever forget it".

I won't.

Anonymous said...

Wow this kid was something special, if anything they should make a book out of his blogs, I'm motivated just by reading this! Jodi is irelevant at this point to me, she will stand before GOD eventually but for now let's turn this blog into a motivational book he will help other as he wished to do!!

Anonymous said...

N why is everyone sayin shes pretty???? She looks weird and scary and has a ugly ass nose...ughh

Anonymous said...

I too want to read tears as I was reading

Anonymous said...

Notice how "the demon" said on her post "I'm liking the new and improved version." It's like she wants to make sure people realize she read it before....

RIP Travis. You were obviously an amazing person and you did and would have made a lot more differences in people's lives.

I hope and pray for a conviction. But at the same time, I did exactly what I wished people wouldn't have done on this blog - talk about Jodi. This is Travis' blog and we should be talking only about him.

Anonymous said...

travis your a great man and are mist and loved by so many .i pray you well soon rest in peace and your family can soon be a lilttle more at peace knowing your killer has found what is her punishment for her crim you are so mist love and respects to you and the family

Anonymous said...

It kills me to read that he turned his back to his mom so the hits would hurt less, and how many times jodi stabbed him in his could she do this to him after all the abuse he suffered as a child..Heartless beyond words ..RIP Travis! Bih ja!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Actually I sobbed at this blog...and to have it all taken away,by a souless bitch,.R I P Mr.Alexander

Unknown said...

Actually I sobbed at this blog...and to have it all taken away,by a souless bitch,.R I P Mr.Alexander

PamP said...

And now I can see how easily Travis became a successful motivational speaker and why he saved peoples lives who went to listen to him speak, moved them in ways no one can imagine and made them feel more confident in themselves. He took a bad situation and made it a success story. The only thing that happened along the way is he met an evil woman named Jodi Arias who was to take his life from all those who loved and respected him. I hope that he was taken by God's early calling because he had a better more inspiring job for Travis to do in heaven; why so painfully did he have to suffer on his way out as he did in his childhood, I will never understand. I only hope and pray that Jodi Arias gets what is coming to her and that God will not allow her to kill his spirit by dragging his good name through the mud in court at a time he can no longer speak or defend himself. I hope there is justice for Travis and hell to pay for Jodi. RIP Travis!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful thoughts. Sir, your light went out to soon. RIP.

Anonymous said...

If she was so scared of Travis
Why she go to his home?
I don't recall ever hearing he went to
Her place. She is one sick girl.

PKRaddock said...

God Bless Travis for what he endured and for what he shared of himself. And Cookie, you're pretty amazing, too!

Anonymous said...

What a shame a crazy ass girl took his life....I hate her

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere on his myspace page that he would have wanted to meet Jesus. I know Travis tried hard to be a man of faith and was able to inspire many during his life and after his death. Like all of us imperfect humans, he too fell weak to sin...however God forgives those and can read each individual's heart...I would have imagined Travis asked for forgiveness and strength as christians do. please keep in mind that no matter what the outcome of the trial is, justice is ultimately in God's hands...and as Jesus said during his Sermon On the Mount, "Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged". It is tragic that Jodi judged Travis to the extent of taking his precious life. However, it is up to God to judge and not us, as God knows what truly happened and their motives.
Travis had a lot to give and it is heartbreaking that his life was taken. Please, let's show respect for his blog, his words and thoughts, and pray for him, his family and friends and that he may be remembered for his great qualities and not his imperfections.

Anonymous said...

Protecting her self from her abuser? Lol that makes me laugh and sick to my stomach at the same time. Shes a few crayons short of a full crayon box. And for her to say it was self defense is even worse. If she was defending her self at that time how was it she could grab a gun and a knife while being attacked and stab his back. When she stole her grandparents gun and took it to Travis house in the middle of the night she knew what she was doing and had every intention of killing him. When she cries in court its not because of the pictures she shes its she realizing she not going to get away with it. She needs to suck it up and take her punishment. Shes all sorts of crazy and deserves whatever she gets! Hopefully it will be the DP

Anonymous said...

Your great grandfather was a very smart man.
I will always be inspired by what I now know that little boy that sat next to me in 1st grade was going through day in and day out. No matter what you endured you always had that smile on your face. Always....Everyday.
I am so sorry for all that you endured, overcame, and then had to ensure again at the hands of an evil soul.
I know you are at peace...

Dagmar said...

I am very interested in knowing more about Travis' "clothing company (CAFGSS) that promotes modesty amongst the ladies". Now, I am a thousand percent on the side of the prosecution...but there is indeed a lot of incongruence there. He certainly had a girlfriend (Arias) who did not dress "modestly"!

Further, (in his profile) he is obviously happy with his no wife, no children status. There had to be a ton of conflicting feelings everywhere for both parties. I have NO sympathy for Arias....but I can see ever so slightly why she flipped out. He treated her (probably) like an upaid prostitute and then acted like women needed to dress "modestly". Hypocritical for sure, but she should have just stopped the madness in another way that did not involve a knife and a gun.

Anonymous said...

U should not be allowed to comment on anything that has to do wt Travis. U r a cold blooded killer!!!!!!! Jodi u r crazy

Groll Technology said...

Dagmar, you said that from his profile, Travis was "obviously happy with his no wife, no children status." I must disagree. Read his post entitled "I want to marry a gold digger" (it's NOT AT ALL as shallow as the title sounds).

And then, read his prophetic follow-up to that blogpost, entitled "The Gold from Within" — it was posted to on May 23, 2008, a mere 12 days before his death. The site is no longer online, but it's still available through the Wayback Machine — go to

In that post, you will find a poem that Travis had written. Here's a small excerpt:
"So instead let us thrive in this time we're alive,
Hand in hand, let us run a great race;
So when we cross through the veil, there is wind in our sail,
— and a smile on our Father's face.
This world can we bless, if we give it our best,
As we dare to achieve and live bold;
It's the plan of all plans for each woman and man,
Who know that within them — is Gold."

It's clear from reading his posts that Travis didn't even come close to being an aggressor, as claimed by his cold-blooded killer. His worst offense was in believing that there is gold (good) in everyone — he failed to recognize a textbook "charming-yet-purely-evil" psychopathic seductress in his midst.

The good news, Jodi, is that you are not nearly smart enough — nor are you a good enough actress — to make anyone believe that you are capable of feeling even the slightest depth of emotion or empathy for another human being. True to the form of a psychopath, you lie pathologically and you blame everyone else, including your victim, for actions that were yours and yours alone. Whatever punishment you receive will be far too humane given what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

You had so much to offer the world. Im so sorry this evil person came into your life.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your post is great. I am sure TA is smiling in heaven knowing he is still helping people...wish more people would post stuff like this.

jferguson said...

Travis, I truly wish I could have known you. I was so touched as I read your story and what you endured as a child. You overcame so much and instead of being embarrassed or ashamed of your childhood, you turned it around and used your pain to help others.

My heart goes out to your family and pray for what they've had to endure in the court room each day. My son was killed a year ago. He was 22 years old and had such a promising life ahead of him. I too will be sitting in a court room very soon and pray that I will exhibit the kind of dignity your family displays each day.

Your memory will never fade. It will always be in the hearts of those who love you.
Rest in Paradise

Anonymous said...

Travis, I wish I could have met you. This was very inspirational. I pray that you are in peace now, away from the crazy nut. God bless you...your words will live forever. I want to meet you in Heaven some day, we can be buds! Praying for you from Kalamazoo, MI.

Diana said...

This is so horrifically unfair.This is so tragically sad. The violence Travis knew as a child came full circle..

I had the same thoughts as Evie as I read Travis's description of his childhood. It is so unjust- I am in pain to think of what flashed through his mind in his last moments.

To those of you who cannot resist the impulse to treat this place like it is simply some place to trash whomever, I implore you to STOP. Grow up. Try to put yourself in someone else's shoes for once in your life, and imagine that a friend or family member of yours was murdered. How would you feel reading the garbage that is being posted here? Where is your humanity??? Your behavior speaks volumes about you. Shame on you.

I only know of Mr. Alexander through recent trial coverage- and none of the testimony about behaviors matters, everyone is fallible. He was abused child who grew to become a man who struggled to overcome his past. And along that path, his life, and all of his potential, was stolen.It is just that simple. There was nothing on earth to justify the taking of his life.

Anonymous said...

To the family & friends of Travis
my heart goes out to you all, your all in my prayers and I hope after all this is over that you can move on and no that one day this Monster"Jodi" will have to pay for what she has done to your loved one. just remember the good memory's you have of Travis and don't let these people that post nasty thing get the best of you because you all that new & loved him and you all know the truth
behind the person Travis was and we are just looking in from the out side and we don't no the man that you all new and loved! I wish the best for you all and will pray this is over with soon!

Anonymous said...

That is a great idea!! Maybe they could donate some of the profits to abused kids or start a charity in Travis' name. I think that would be a nice way to honor his life and carry on his legacy. Regardless of what anyone thinks of his under cover life, he did not deserve to be slaughtered. I have to admire him for doing everything in his power to make his life better than the one he was given. So what if he liked sex and role play, who doesnt?? He was a normal young guy. How many 30 year old male virgins are there? Ironically, I think he found his"gold digger" This whole thing is just soo sad and I cant believe people are taking her side. Even if she is telling he truth, how does that justify what she did to him. REALLY?? 29 stabs, cut throat, AND gunshot?? Thats pure RAGE!

Anonymous said...

If you don't have anything nice to say..shut the eff up...The sample of Travis' book brought tears to my eyes..If you are commenting negativly, you should use your energy to fix yourself! so sayeth Lo Lorraine

Jacque said...

I just finished reading this an have tears rolling down my cheeks. Such a beautiful life taken so senselessly. A man of great talent an a wonderful love for life. God Bless you Travis an all your family.

tumbleweed said...

I agree with another commenter.

After reading about his childhood, it made sense why he (very sadly) attracted an abusive woman.
Even when we've been harmed as children, we subconsciously try to rectify our past, attracting similar types to those that abused us.

I also agree with other commenters that his sexual behavior is nothing short of normal. Mormon or not, as others said, he was human and gave in to his desires. Also, we all know he was lured and seduced by her.
If you read his gold digger post, you can see he was still searching for wife material. Not an ounce or iota of a girlfriend he intended to marry. I do believe he was using her, but surely many people have used others for sexual pleasure, especially when it's consensual and obviously this is no way justifies harm or murder of another human being.
I believe when it came out he was taking 'a good mormon girl' to Mexico (instead of her) she knew it could mean the one he marries. It's pretty typical to get out of an abusive relationship or one that you discover was a mistake and marry the next one that comes along. Not to say the next one wouldn't have been amazing and earned his love, it's just an observation on human behavior.

Reading that post surely brought it home to her that she was not the one and would never be what Travis wanted and needed.

The fact he was so brutally murdered around this time is definitely no coincidence as we all know.

An afterthought: Her blog says it was started in April 2008. If you read the last post she wrote, it's pretty clear she was trying to be inspirational. She was obviously obsessed with Travis, admired him beyond what she could understand and I believe, wished she was as good as him. She clearly began her blog to try and mimic him in some ways, live through him, be him... I'm not sure I am articulating that well enough, but what I mean is she was definitely behaving like an attention seeking, unstable stalker 'fan'.

Justice for Travis. What a beautiful soul he was. One she could never be no matter how much she tried to emobdy him trying to overtake his in the end.

Rest in peace dear Travis. You are a good man.

Anonymous said...

I hope he left enough of a manuscript to publish something. What an awesome young man.
ill pray for u travis.and your family

Anonymous said...

This is such a powerful story! I am so saddened by the loss of Travis and I hope and pray for justice for him! To his family and friends, I pray that you may have strength and peace and forever hold close the wonderful memories you have of him.

Anonymous said...

RIP Travis reading your intro to the book raising you I was nspired to keep the words with me forever. You truly were and are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Travis. This couldnt have been better timing for me to read this as Im going through some tough times. I need to hear and believe that I am special too. Thank you for your words.

Anonymous said...

A bright and shining light that was extinguished far too soon. his generous and loving nature was exploited by a cold and calculating person. Reading what Travis has written here has been inspiring to say the least. It is heartbreaking to lose someonethat had so much potential and so much wisdom to share.

Rest in peace Travis. And to his family, our sincerest condolences.

Anonymous said...

Jodi is one obsessed sociopath! She tried her best to convince him to take her on the trip to Cancun & when he refused she went to plan B & killed him with her Grandpa's gun and the knife she brought with her. She doesn't deserve to enjoy life in prison, she deserves a needle in her arm. Especially for how confrontational she's been on the witness stand! How can she be that aggressive with Martinez yet be a battered woman? Bologna!!

Anonymous said...

RIP Travis. You were an awesome writer. Jodie will never see you again. We all know where you are and we know where she's going.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Jodi is one obsessed sociopath! She tried her best to convince him to take her on the trip to Cancun & when he refused she went to plan B & killed him with her Grandpa's gun and the knife she brought with her. She doesn't deserve to enjoy life in prison, she deserves a needle in her arm. Especially for how confrontational she's been on the witness stand! How can she be that aggressive with Martinez yet be a battered woman? Bologna!!

March 1, 2013 at 9:58 PM"

thats the typical reaction of a battered woman with an agressive man ...your not just born like that,its a "learned behavior".

Anonymous said...

Travis, you had a life, a wonderful life, and this evil person, took it. You were a very handsome young man, and its so sad what happened. I have followed this trial since it started. I have shed tears of photos of you, I wished I'd never seen. I have prayed for your siblings, that they find peace. I pray this woman pays for what she has done. Rest in Peace, Travis, Rest in Peace!!!

Unknown said...

Probably Jodi still sending e-mails.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Anonymous said.

Anonymous said...

Good point in your 1st parag. tumbleweed. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Guy was a sexual deviant, sick sodomizer pervert faggot. F'ing her in the azzhole and treating her like a whore -- She's sick too but he isn't a saint and his blog sucks cause it's all ripped off from other authors from the Oneness spirituality view point---- not MORMON DRIVEN!

Anonymous said...

Jodi, you're a murderer and a psychopath

kimmyincali said...

Jodi Arias is a narcissistic, lying piece of scum. It's so sad Travis didn't recognize "The Ax Murderer within" But then again, she is very good at being whatever she thinks someone wants her to be, to get what she wants. And you can BET, using sex was one of those things she used. It is so sad that she ruined and then ended the life of someone who had such a great head on his shoulders and a bright future ahead of him. No matter the results of the trial..SHE WILL receive her JUST judgement from WHOM and THE ONLY place it really matters. Rest in Peace Travis and may God help your family heal. <3

Anonymous said...

"It's so sad Travis didn't recognize "The Ax Murderer within"

men dont think of saying shit like that unless they KNOW they are being an abusive shows GUILT.

Anonymous said...

^ @ the jackass up at the top..."She murdered her 'abuser'?!" Yeah, okay whatever, and this news is just in-the easter bunny has aids. Go spread the word you blind, mindless henchman.

Anonymous said...

To Travis' family and friends,

I came to Travis' blog because I've been following the trial and wanted to see what type of person he was in his too-short life. All the horrible, sick stuff aside, I wanted to write to you to tell you how much travis' writing impressed me.

Both remarkable from the quality of the content and the form, I think his writing is excellent. He weaves complex philosophical/spiritual/emotional/rational ideas into his stories beautifully. Travis had a clear gift for narrative, and I imagine he was a powerful speaker.

But more than anything, I was incredibly moved by the intro on a personal level. I needed someone to shake me today and tell me that I am special.
Right now, I have tears streaming down my face. The tears aren't sad, happy or angry ones. They are beautiful tears. Travis could take his painful, horrible past and create something beautiful out of it. That, to me, is true art.

I hope one day you will consider publishing whatever he has written.

Anonymous said...

Well said. I can't imagine how all those who knew and loved Travis are dealing with this. I won't read the words of hate. They serve no real purpose only infect our minds. I just starting reading his blogs tonight and feel touched by his words. My God bless those in pain from his loss and guide them to comfort. Dawn

Anonymous said...

After reading this post, I FINALLY understand why he ended up with her. In my younger years, I truly tried to serve God, but was attracted to people who were bad for me, and abusive. I was a "missionary dater." Even though I tried to believe what my grandmother told me, the words that kept replaying in my head were those of my mother. It's like a self-abuse, a form of proving her "right." Also, I was trying to love the unlovable and abusive person "enough", hoping I could do with them what I could not with my own mother,,, save her. I had to totally break free of that mind set to get things right with God and myself. I almost got killed... Now I realize how close I could have ended up like Alexander. This is so sad, and I completely understand him. By the way, after reading this, I now know who the truly abusive one in the relationship was,,, the monster who killed him. I refuse to mention her by name. I am sure that the things she said about Travis were things she actually did to him. In that monster, Travis was hanging out with mommy. Trying to help her reform, while sinking into depravity. This completely makes me sad.

char said...

May,4 2008 Jodi Arias wrote in her blog that she stopped believing in laws of attraction 6 months ago
She is a lying whore who is trying to distroy the name of a great Persn she murdered in cold blood

Anonymous said...

Love you Travis <3

Anonymous said...

While I agree that Travis was a narcissist and probably emotionally, mentally and possibly physically abusive. I do NOT think he should have been killed - butchered! I feel so badly for his family. And odd as it sounds for Jodi Arias. It was a waste of two exceptionally bright lives. :(


Anonymous said...

As for this blog "raising you" I felt a kinship with Travis. I was raised in an environment not too much unlike his. It's really something to rise above it - to not let it over take you and drag you down as it does so many. I applaud him for breaking the chain and bettering himself!


Anonymous said...

I use to never believe in the death penalty but... I hope you die.. slowly and painfuuly.. you evil MONSTER.. how you could kill him like you did and esp after knowing personal things like this about him. And you set him up like you did.. planned out this out in detail.. set him up with YOUR little school girl fantasy and then recorded it.. you planned on murdering long before you've made us believe..hurting him like you did. you think Casey Anthony is hated.. you had better pray they dispose of your ass ASAP!! You are deserving of NOTHING!! And when you die.. you wont be in paradise like Travis.. he's in a paradise now way better than Cancun And you have pure hell to look toward to in life and death!!

Anonymous said...

And one more thing.. for Travis siblings. Your brother was a beautiful person.. he is a beautiful soul. I pray to God to bring you comfort, peace, joy and serenity. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

"insincerity" buggs the hell out of me is way too much of it now a dayz...

Anonymous said...

Wow, his intro to his book made me cry.What a tragic waste of such a bright and shining star.I hope JA gets the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

Wow, his intro to his book made me cry.What a tragic waste of such a bright and shining star.I hope JA gets the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

What a sick f'n psycho bitch u are to take this amazing man's life. May you burn in hell Jodi Arias.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!!!

Anonymous said...

That crazy person up top muzt be a relative of Jodi!!! Nobody else is as crazy enough tobelieve her except her relatives...if she was so abused why the hell.did she keep chasing.him....shes a murderer! Plain and simple!

Anonymous said...

I just read this. It is amazing. Travis was such a great person. The world was deprived of all he had to offer. I pray that justice will be served in this case and I pray his light will cast over his family and friends who truly loved him.

Anonymous said...

Ew jodi Arias your a ugly pig !!! I wouldnt put down a pig like that but theres no other words for her oh yes.... COLD BLOODED MURDERER !!! B/c Travis finally figured you out & found a real woman !!! Rut in hell !! Thats whete ur going & what u deserve !!!

gala said...

June said...

I cried, and cried when I read Travis's "introduction..." It bought to my mind my son when I made him listen to Whitney Huston's 'The greatest love of all', while I hugged him and cried.
Jodi killed Travis because she couldn't have him - she still doesn't have him. Only the people who truly love Travis have him because his spirit lives on. I hope Jodi gets the death penalty - an eye for an eye, a life for a life. June - Ontario, Canada March 16,2013
March 16,2013

LiveSpirit said...

If I would of met you before Jodi, First, It would of sadden and shocked me to know about your family past and your painful childhood. I too had a miserable past but since I am spiritual, I am at peace at age 36. I believe in God, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I am soo in touch with the spirit world and want to go beyond that. I know Travis Victor Alexanders that your spirit lives and that you are awaiting Victory and Justice will be served! Rest in Peace my spirit brother and May your family have eternal peace and harmony..I truly have you in my heart and I truly wished I would of met you before this demon appeared. Maybe we shall meet in heaven one day or afterlife..May God surround his Angels around you as you for me you are a Special Angel! I love you God, I love you sooo much... I survived his trials and tribunes and I will remain faithful to God til he decides my time will eternally be with him in heaven...

Anonymous said...

travis you were and are a beautiful soul I have never met you in fact i live on the other side of the country, but I feel like I know you when i read your blogs. You achieved your dream of reaching so many human beings on this earth.

Anonymous said...

Your comment was disrecptful. You shouldnt be posting stuff like this have respect for the family.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Travis,

Now there are no worries, no more sorrow or tears, now I know your in heaven where God can keep you near. I know you weren't perfect who really ever is, my discernment only prays for you your family and friends. You had a battle on this earth and your killer think she's won. But the Devil has always been a liar and true justice will be done! Lets focus on your goodness and the positive things youve done. I wish I could have met ya to give you a simple pound and hug. Rest in Peace with your ancestors tell your Grampa Vic he's amazing guy. Now there are no worries tell the Man I said Hi. With My Deepest Sympathy From Someone Who Has Livid The Life!

Pitbullmom said...

I would love to have been able to read his book as from what I have seen and heard throughout this trial via the media he was a quite elegant speaker whose words could and did touch your heart. I too had a treacherous childhood at the hands of alcoholic /junkie /physically abusive parents as well as my father also being sexually abusive.I am in the midst of writing a self help book for kids going through similar things and to help those who have gone through it and haven't gotten help to try and help them get help, come to terms with the past and not let it destroy their future. His insight could have helped in this process and his experiences from childhood to successful adult could have helped thousands of suffering individuals. Such a waste of such a promising and beautiful person s giving and caring soul reaching out to help others, such a tragedy, RIP TRAVIS!

Anonymous said...

To the family of Travis: I have long thought that all of us have a task in this world and once our task is complete we can depart. Travis was obviously an extraordinary person with a gift for motivation. His words are his legacy and as long as they are read, his work continues. His departure from this world, as horrific as it was, has ensured that more people than he could ever imagined are reading his words and being inspired to make the most of their gifts from God. Take solace in that and that he is in a place where he no longer hurts and can guard over his loved ones much better than he could on earth. God Bless and my prayers are with you.

Moonshynes_rising_again said...

I cannot put into words that are great enough to describe how moved I was reading the intro to this book. Was it ever completed? If there is a manuscript I think the family should have it published with some of the proceeds going to help abused children.

As someone who had an awful childhood as well, Travis inspires me. You see for so long I've let my past hold me back. Dwelling in those horrible memories and the huge sense of loss I was left with caused me to self destruct along the way for the last decade or so. Reading Travis' words were like that shake his grandpa gave him. After I read those words, and cried for that little boy who lived through complete hell with his siblings, I then sat and thought about how despite the living hell Travis had endured he went on to rise up, like a Phoenix from the ashes, to go on to become successful and truly lived to help others.

Travis was such a special child of God that the devil, who also knew how special Travis was, sent his whorebride Jodi Arias to kill him. But I believe in death Travis will help even more people!! Like me. A mother of 3 small kids who's felt despair every day for so long despite trying to put on a happy smile for my kids. I am going to use Travis as my inspiration to finally RISE UP and break the chains that have held me down for so long.

Rest in peace dear Travis. Your death will NOT be in vain. Your words will go on to inspire thousands like me who'd almost given up on life. Not even death can stop you from helping others Travis. Thank you Travis for opening my eyes finally.

Anonymous said...

He gave new meaning to that old classic tune "Do it in the Butt!"

Anonymous said...

I believe Travis was trying to overcome whatever demons were haunting him. I understand, as a fellow human, that all of have behaviors we try to extinguish.Good for him for trying to master himself.

As for all the wacko people that defend Jodi, you need to master your own demons. Stop acting like some kind of entitled victim who lashes out at anyone you perceive as being imperfect. The only perfection you seek in that other's have a good opinion of you. Take a look at yourself.

Remember, Travis hoped he could convince that there is gold within everyone. He took the profound experiences he had with his great grandfather and tried to help
others realize how good they really are. I think he want to give comfort to others who are struggling. He wanted to share the comfort his great grandfather gave him.

I dont believe he was abusing Jodi. She used sex to manipulate him and she is berating him after she killed him so she can gain favor in other's eyes. She is empty and cold. She is dangerous. Its sad that such a good man was murdered by this your inhuman creep.

Travis, I admire the way you lived your life. I admire your willingness to admit your faults. I admire your strength and stamina and continued efforts to change yourself and help others.

I wish I had known you while you were here on earth. But I'm sure you are helping and caring for others as you are in Heaven. Maybe we'll meet there.

You are in my prayers Travis Alexander. Even though I did not know you, I miss your presence in this world now that I know about you.

You are special Travis.

Peace and may God bless you always.

You are still helping people. You are a great inspiration for this imperfect human.

You are special and you are golden.

Anonymous said...

Hate is such a strong I don't ever like to use. But I truly do HATE that cold blooded scum, dirt from the bottom of my shoes Jodi Arias. I prayed that she would be put to death. She deserves to suffer but that won't ever happen. Even when she is put to death, which like I said I prayed would happen. How could someone pray for such a thing you ask? Quite simply, she deserves it. Travis or anyone else on this earth did not deserve to die that way. Tragic would have been if it was some RANDOM act ..but this wasn't, it was planned, she was jealous, and she couldn't have her way. So Travis wasn't allowed to be happy in her evil eyes. This is much more than tragic. This is evil at it's finest. If only she could suffer the way Travis did the day he was brutally slaughtered by the lying, manipulating, heartless, B*tch Jodi. Tragic is the life he had to endure growing up. Being "saved" by his Grandmother, making something of his life from his past experiences...beautiful. He was a beautiful person. He loved life. He was finding his way. For someone like him to be taken away from us from someone as useless as her is unbearable. My heart hurts for him. It's so hard to think of him with Joy most times because of the way his life ended. My heart hurts for his siblings, his friends. For all those that knew him and miss him. Travis I promise to you that I will try be a better person, to see the good in others, to try and better my life that has had it's own awful childhood memories. To forgive those who deserve to be forgiven. But I will never ever forgive her. I will never forget you. Thank-you Travis for being there for so many people in their times of need. I'm sorry there was no one there for you in your time of need. I love you. Rest in peace sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

May his family finally feel the peace that they deserve when they inject you with the chemicals for you to DIE. If only what you did to him could be done to you. Travis was too good for you, and he is still too good for you as he is in Heaven and you shall rot in Hell.

Anonymous said...

This is beautifully written and obviously uplifting to so many; it would be fitting if somehow Travis' vision for this book could be realized.

May your words and your better angels live on and give comfort to so many in pain, and strength to so many in transition.

Anonymous said...

Living for the memory of the victim gives me more comfor than any negative feelings about the perp. My son was killed and I know I am glad these type of memories are so sweet. What a special man...

Anonymous said...

Maybe Travis's book could be completed and available to all.

As for anonymous who wrote that "living for the memory of the victim gives me more comfort than any negative feelings about the perp," how kind of you to share that. Peace to you and your son.

I didn't know Travis but I bet he wants you and your son to have peace too.


Anonymous said...

I am so touched this post. I am so happy Travis and his siblings had their Great-GrandPa Vic. I know they are together in heaven. Travis should be here to live his life of course, but it gives comfort. I will remember Travis' words about how special we are and there is something great in all of us. and share with my children. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

How sad to hear how he grew up being so emotionally and physically abused by his Mother and then killed so brutally by another monster.
May he now rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Alexander Family, I have been following this trial since the beginning. I live in Michigan.. My heart goes out to each and every one of you. Whether you are family or friend.. Mr Alexander was a very nice person, who has had mud slung in the worse way, by this monster who is only worried about herself. What she is going to miss out on, or where her money will go while being is very sad to think she has no remorse for killing Travis so brutally.. His childhood was sad, but I believe his adulthood was bright until the light was snuffed out by this psychopath.. I will pray for your family and hope that god in the minds of each juror.. that he leads them to convict her of 1st degree murder and she gets the death penalty.. I think the power from above will see the truth and she will get what she deserves..

Anonymous said...

He was an amazing young man. A great loss to all of us

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring blog. I just cant help but cry. I really hope Travis's family will print this book for his memory! Even he is not with us physically but his words will keep on living and inspiring many, like he always want to do when he was alive.

Travis, you are very, very special person.
I won't forget !

Anonymous said...

I too am moved to tears by this intro to Travis Alexander's book.It is so beautifully written. To his family and dear friends, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I also hope that his writings will be available to all of us. I don't think this is the appropriate place to defend his killer. This should be made a living memorial to Travis. I am so sorry for your pain and loss. God bless you and protect you forever.

Unknown said...

I think it's truly disgusting for some of you to write such horrible comments on Travis' blog. You have no respect and should be ashamed of yourselves. Go to Jodie's Blog w/that mess. It's very tasteless of you. Have respect for the dead and his family even if you believe he was in the wrong. Have your opinion but no need to insult a man who is not alive to defend himself.

Anonymous said...

I find it disturbing that people can actually comment about such horrible events on a blog that is meant to inspire and encourage and better our lives. Rest in peace Travis Alexander, I never knew you but I would like to thank you for your wonderful words that have touched my heart! My thoughts and prayers are with your family every day!

Anonymous said...

He had a fear of showering due to his mother beating him in the shower. And now this.

Anonymous said...

"I used to imagine myself as some dangerously handsome tycoon
in Time” magazine as one of the worlds most eligible bachelors. I had a bit of a swagger because of it, a smirk on my face and a pep in my step."

If modesty is still a thing, please pretend you didn't read that. Thanks! xo Travis

Anonymous said...

Amen. Beautifully written and my sentimens exactly. May Peace & Love reign in the hearts of all who knew & loved Travis, and all of us who are touched by his words of wisdom and bravery <3

Anonymous said...

Travi is in hell
All Mormons go to hell

Anonymous said...

Mormnism is satanic that's why they adorn their temples with the inverted Pentagram and shun the cross. "The message of the cross is foolishness to them who are perishing; but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God.'

Anonymous said...

Your past can't shame you. it is, after all, what makes you who you are today. I found out on my own it made me this great. I am grateful for my struggle. but one new prospective I did gain was that of my own older brother. Through Travis' blog I see how he must have felt to get through it. May your soul rest in peace. and he's right those albino roaches are disgusting but they were amazing at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I truly hope Jodi has to hear that prison door closing behind her for the rest of her life. That the sound gives her the deepest fear anyone can ever imagine, and in that sound she hears Travis' horror of what she did to him on june 4th 2008 EVERYDAY.

Susan C said...


pinkangel said...

Please keep this blog about Travis and those who love him

Janet L Cathers said...

As I was reading this I couldn't help thinking what a true comeback he made from his childhood. He could of used drugs just like he watched his parents do but not Travis he really made a great successful life and yes this should be made into a book, I agree with Susan Cleary his family should try to get this published.

Anonymous said...

Travis,I've took the time to read all your blogs, there absolutely amazing. I love the start of your book,it's so perfect , I hope your family/friends get it published for you because I will defiantly read it (: I hope your having a blast in heaven sweetie. until we all meet again, rest in peace always. (Justice for Travis Alexander)!!!!

Anonymous said...

How strange some people really are. A young man lost his life in such a brutal way and some come here to push there religious agenda, entertain their sick ideation of jodi or worse come here to discredit a man they have never met because they get pleasure from internet trolling. I honestly don't know what type of person is worse, but hope the family know that these strange comments are the minority view held by the weird creatures that lurk in the corners of the internet and feed off tragedies such as this. They do so because their real life if limited and the severe reactions they cause people make them feel socially connected to something even though its negatively. Hopefully justice for Travis will be dealt soon to the sound of Life Without Parole.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said...

You are such a beautiful soul Travis Alexander,big inspiration to many and you always will be.Justice has been long overdue but it is coming very soon.Rest in peace Travis Alexander!

Anonymous said...

Amazing & inspirational words to strive to live a better life & be a better person despite your upbringing! My heart goes out to Travis' family with hope they will find some peace in the next few days. From what I read here & have heard, Travis had such an amazing & sweet soul! I'm sure he's looking down from heaven with his grandfather, gently comforting his family with warm thoughts and inspiring others to love life & to live to their full potential!

Anonymous said...

You sound so ignorant, if there was abuse, if, I'd bet it was in self defense. Remember, they only dated for five or so months and the rest was booty calls oh yeah and Jodi stalking him. How can you be subjected to abuse when you live hundreds of miles away?

Anonymous said...

I cried through much of his intro.It is incredibly inspirational and moving! Everything you hear or read about Travis is that he was a "light" in others lives. It is known that "darkness", otherwise known as evil, is very much opposed to the goodness or "light" in this world. That evil entity couldn't deal with her envy of him, much like lucifer. She will now have to pay the consequences in this life and answer to God in eternity. Travis will continue to shine his light. God Bless him and his family!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom. You now live in the hearts of so many people. May your soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

I imagine that coming from a background of abuse and neglect those elements in a relationship must have felt familiar, if not "normal" to him. Who knows what or how he may have contributed to some part of the problem. What stands out is that he was on a healing journey and for those of us that have had to heal, we know it can be a long journey. He had some remarkable insights - sad what he had to offer as he grew is now lost. However, what I find most remarkable is the number of people who came here and found something healing in his words and many offered words of encouragement and care to other posters. He should be pleased that in death he could accomplish so much good. RIP Travis. You did well.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I understand Travis' thoughts and feelings about his childhood and about his grandfather. But I cannot understand why this great grandfather know that his grandson was obviously abused and severely neglected and didn't act...he didn't find help to rescue Travis and his siblings from this. He and any other adult that knew about the abuse and neglect should be ashamed that they did not act to save those kids sooner then moving to his Grandmother.

I too suffered a horrible childhood and I too had multiple adults in my life who knew about the abuse and did nothing except offer words. Words don't stop the beatings, the fear, the neglect etc. Words are pointless unless there is action behind those words.

No offense dear Travis, rest in peace, but your Grandfather didn't really help you...he didn't step in an demand the abuse stop and get those children to safety by any means necessary the first moment of abuse and or neglect was recognized. Shame on Grandpa, shame on all the other adults who knew of the abuse and did nothing!!

ChynnaDoll said...

Wow...I am so sad that I have only discovered this blog now. Also disappointed that we won't know the rest of what could have been a very inspirational book. I do believe that people come into this world for a purpose and in some ways, I think Travis' short life did have a purpose. His thoughts and words are very inspirational and as someone else said in response to another one of his blogs, the reason he's not here is because God needed him. I'd like to think, based on this particular entry, that maybe God needed him to be a guardian angel for another child in the same kind of distress.RIP were indeed taken much too soon from this world.

Anonymous said...

You are now raised to the Highest level, Travis! Higher than High. Raising You Higher and Higher. Justice is about to be meted out. RIP, dear boy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Travis, I have a son that reminds me of you in so many aspects and I feel he is blessed like you were for so long. I cried as I watched every painful damaged was done to you. But now your beautiful soul can rest and watch over your family. Rest In Peace sweet man..

Anonymous said...

I'm not the kind of person to write on public posts but I have been following this case since the start of the trial. Based on all of the kind words and love so many have for Travis, I wanted to see for myself what kind of man he was. I've only heard bits and pieces of his back story. I have to say, after reading his blogs and this story this man was destined for greatness!! There isn't a disingenuous thought or hurtful word in his writing and he was/is truly inspiring. Travis - You wanted to touch many lives. You have indeed my freind. You are pure love. May you and your family find peace.

Anita said...

I too have watched this trial from the start on January 2nd.Not once, have I believed anything that ever come from her mouth. I feel like over the past 4 months, I have gained another Son! One that I grew to love and admire. I've never met you nor had I ever spoke to you, but, reading your powerful and inspirational words will always stay in my heart. Arias, is a sick woman,no man should ever endure what she put you thru. I pray you now find peace in your new home, and your family carries your legacy with them always. My love to "The Alexander family".

Unknown said...

Omg! As i read ,i see myself, no it wasn't drugs in my home, it was the lack of having a home! Lack of of hearing those words that kids need to hear once in our life time. I have so much to, so sorry you'll never read this! God knows i wish i would had a friend like you in my life!

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace, Travis. Regardless of what you imbeciles say, Jodi was obsessed with Travis and when he no longer wanted to be with her and was focusing on other females & keeping his options open she figured "hes gonna be with me or he's gonna be dead" She didn't even live by him, so she drove all the way to his house after she premeditated that murder, she buttered him up using sex (that does tend to be a guys weakness) and then when he thought he was safe to sit and relax in the shower after sex she used that to her advantage and killed him when he least expected it. She is crazy, and I hope they fry her (without the sponge). Rot in hell Jodi, you vile, despicable, slutty whore-monger.

Anonymous said...

thankyou ~

Anonymous said...

You do really have to wonder if Travis was molested as child?? There were several signs pointing to this with his behaviors and sexual preferences.

Anonymous said...

The Alexander Family,
PLEASE release his book. Just from the beginning..I want to read more! His words have so much meaning & makes you really think. PLEASE release his writings & his book. We will all ne better for it. My heart goes out to the family, especially now that the jury has spoken what you wanted to hear. God be with you for the next steps. You have a very large crowd of new friends that stand behind you, and with God you are never alone. <3...

Anonymous said...

I love this! Please allow this to publish, the true inspiration in this reading should be shared with everyone. The Alexander's deserve peace what a better way then with his own words!

Anonymous said...

I wish you knew Gods love! You surely would have done things differently.

Anonymous said...

While I feel what you are all saying about Travis as a person and I believe he was a victim and Jodi a murderer, what many of you are not realizing is this lends credence to Jodi's claim of abuse, abuse victims are highly likely to become abusers themselves. I believe this was a horribly toxic and tumultuous relationship both ways!

Anonymous said...

This book gives deep insight into something you guys are missing... while I think Jodi is a murderer and went to depths totally uncalled for, this excerpt lends credence to jodi's abuse claim. I don't think Travis should have been murdered but everything I have seen videos pictures writing etc leads me to deduce that Travis was very egotistical. He was controlling and he was more likely than not an abuser, when you are raised the way he describes that is what you learn, without intense therapy that is who you become. When you are controlled and helpless and unable to control your situation as a child you become very controlling as soon as you get a chance vowing to never allow things to get beyond your control as an adult. Much like his sister being a police officer, ultimate control...I believe Travis was in fact abusive. Do I think he deserved to die? No! but I think he was not this amazing positive person he is being portrayed as.

Anonymous said...

I know Travis is in a safe and beautiful place. No worries and no pain but only the amazing that is within him. We should all believe in ourselves and know we are special. Praying for the family. God Bless!!!

Anonymous said...

You don't deserve death. You need to be where you need to be, in a tiny, rotting cell for the rest of your wasted life. It's sad you were born evil to take another life. I hope you suffer just as every pain you caused Travis and his family.

Anonymous said...

touching story,I would love to read the whole story.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if someone still reads this blog but I have been touched by Travis, and since my childhood wasn't so great and I heard he was writting a book, I researched online and found this blog. I think his book would has been a great book and would has help me, raise myself because I have been struggling with that a lot. I pray to God that his soul is in a special place together with HIM!

june said...

We have all come to love Travis. He is a true friend of us all now and so we all grieve with his family for our loss. It was a blessing to have him for a brother. I hope his family embraces his words, thoughts and spirit and let these thoughts lead them on the special journey that is their own lives. Commit to staying very close with each other. Raise their children to be close with their cousins. Love and be proud of your family. You are all very special. Keep that empty chair at every reunion. Place your most treasured accomplishments on that chair and honor the gift that was Travis Alexander!!

Anonymous said...

June, so beautifully stated.

Anonymous said...

Just reading this "But I was scared of bathing because if I once got the bathroom floor wet and my mother accused of me of urinating on the floor and threw me half way through a wall."
Makes me wonder if that is why JA (Jack Ass) picked the shower to end your beautiful life. Did she scream you got the floor wet? Mimicking your mother? God rest your soul Travis.

Anonymous said...

Travis, the more I learn of you the more I realize what a special person you were. I wish we could have been friends. I am so sorry that you life was cut so short. You did not deserve that. You would have touched many more lives and had a glorious life of your own if she did not take your life. I wish you had never met her, a chance meeting in Las Vegas and your life was on a collision course. Rest in peace, Travis. You will never be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

That awkward, but more creepy, moment when you find the murderer's post on the victim's page and that it is a compliment.


Unknown said...

Am sending Prayer's and Peace to Travis Family,, We watch His Trail everyday, when it is on,, Just for Hoping for Peace to you all, as I am sure this is what he may ask of us,, No Other Reason,, Hope soon, you will be relieved of all this, and Peace will come to you all,We all have pain in our Lives,, but Nothing ever compare what you all endure,, My heart goes to you all,, Allena and Dennis Miller From Maine

Anonymous said...

Travis, May your sweet soul rest in peace. May God bless your family and restore their health. May the words you have written here encourage others who have suffered extreme childhood trauma to believe that they too are special and can be whatever they desire. May they follow your path and trust in and follow the way of the Lord. I believe your intent in writing this blog was to show the world that, not all abuse victims become abusers, they rise above it and become golden. Travis you are GOLDEN. <3

Anonymous said...

You're an uniformed moron. Also, YOU should not be stupid enough to even attempt to speak for God. HE speaks for himself...quite clearly.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that people are trashing Travis here, you should be ashamed of yourselves, you have not heart!!!

Travis, you are an inspiration to people all over the world, I wish you would have been able to finish your book, for sure it would be a best seller, God bless you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...

Travis' words have touched me in a profound way. Let us never forget the memory of this great man

Unknown said...

I think this is truly amazing.I would have loved to have read this young man's book.It is soooo sad that he will never write his life story because he would have really inspired many. Look how many have come to love him through his death. I hope that his family can get past the worst of this trial and be able to celebrate the years they did have Travis with them. They were blessed with 30 good years!

Unknown said...

That was an amazing start to Travis's book! i would have loved to have read his life story.It would have been so inspirational like he has been to so many since his passing. he might even know this if there is a heaven. If so he's certainly with his GG Vic telling each other good stories.

Unknown said...

Let's agree not to mention the person whom is responsible for what happened to Travis.His life can be celebrated on this site and he deserves that and more. Travis Alexander is a name thata the world will remember for many many yearsn to come and the legacy he left. He did leave a legacy and only 30 years old,his family should feel very proud to have had him for their brother. God Bless You all!

Anonymous said...

As a Mother reading these blogs of Travis' my heart breaks for that little boy with the beautiful smile. His great grandfather was a gem of a man and now they are together again. I do think a story should come out of this to show who Travis really was...not like this movie that's coming out now. You've touched more lives in more ways than you know young man. R.I.P.





Anonymous said...

Wow, this really makes it difficult to feel any kind of sympathy for Jodi, if any were to be had. Then again who knows , the abuse may have created a second compartment to his psyche. A darker one.

Unknown said...

Travis Alexander had the beginnings of a wonderful book in the making.
I only wish he had been able to finish it. Travis had true value in this world and he will be remembered by many for years to come,not only his family members and friends, but many thousands who followed this trial and wanted justice for his death.

Anonymous said...

Travis is still inspiring with eloquent words and heat felt emotions. He will be greatly missed. Wish I would have had the pleasure of knowing you. May you rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

R.I.P. Travis. I hope to read this book one day. So sorry things ended the way it did. The whole situation is just sad. I believe you look down and see it all in the right way. Better than we do. I pray it all be put in God's hands. God knows true justice. I also pray for peace in the heart's of your family and anyone else effected by this horrible tragedy. My sister was murdered a month after your death. It is hard for myself and my family, but my sister isn't in pain. She isn't in loss of anything, but instead in a better place. God knows best. I have faith in that. I feel for your family's loss. You have definitely inspired me, Travis. I am so sorry....

Unknown said...

Travis, though you cannot read this because a psychopathic bitch ended your life, I want you to know that you have truly touched my heart. It is so so so sad that your entire childhood was full of abuse and neglect. It broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes to read your blogs and hear stories of who you were. You were a VERY special person, I have no doubt. You deserved way better than what you got. The most facinating thing is the fact that you had such a bright outlook on life. You called your mother a "good woman", though she was a druggie and abusive. You loved all the little things. I wish I could just hug you and tell you how sorry I am that all this happened to such a beautiful person. RIP Travis Alexander. May Jodi Arias get brutally murdered in prison for what she has done. She sure as hell deserves it

Unknown said...

What an EXCEPTIONAL writer!
At first I was wondering what the title, "Raising You" meant, but as I read it, I came to understand his deep insight.
"Raising YOU" brings to mind: "Lifting YOU up..."
Travis was truly a SPECIAL person with so much to give to the world!
His WORDS are very uplifting and INSPIRING!
Definitely gone too soon, and in the most horrendously brutal way!

I am utterly disgusted by such ignorant remarks and quetions into his character and his family.
Then again, our world is full of "defective" easily manipulated weaklings.

From reading Travis blogs and following the trial, and the evidence....I can see through the killer's mental illness. Her sick "projection", blaming the deceased and then putting him on trial when he obviously is not alive to defend himself.

She has manipulated many fools to blame the victim although the evidence of her actions are crystal clear. She is mentally ill and not fit for society! She has crossed the line of sanity and will kill again if given the chance!

To the idiot who dared to question Travis upbringing and his grandfather not taking him away from an abusive childhood: "Are you retarded? "

Learn how to read in order to understand before making an ass out of yourself! His mother never went to visit the grandfather unless she was on her best behavior! Even dressing up before the visit!

People need to decipher facts from empty words!
The fact of the matter is that a bright young man was murdered by a psycho bitch!

Nobody deserves to be murdered! Especially in such a sick horrific way! The person responsible is a pathological liar! Nothing she says rings true or has any validity!

Couples joke about many sexual things, but it takes only 1 manipulative devil to twist things into a full blown piece of bullshit!

I know Jodi Arias types, my mother is a Narcissistic histrionic, and their abuse is of the worst imaginable! They twist everything to their advantage, especially when they are caught in their own lies. They "project" their madness unto their victims! Their delusions makes them believable while they outright lie!

It is the ultimate worst abuse in the world. To be slandered, manipulated, and in this case, "slaughtered".....
Travis was definitely abused by the sneaky little demon!

I had an abusive childhood, and been in abusive relationships, but I am not mentally defective to the point of murdering anyone!
There is NO EXCUSE for her actions!
She is one psychotic bitch who lives by her lies!

Everyone believing her lies are fooled by her...
I pity those that cannot see the truth by discerning with their own eyes and not their ears....never listen to a psychopath, but watch their actions!
It is the best advice when dealing with "sick" minds!

Watch her eyes....there is no emotion whatsoever. Cold cold eyes without a soul. Her tears are worthy of an Oscar, she knows how to act out emotions from mirroring others, but she feels nothing but emptiness....its really sick!

They are masters of twisting words and minds, but not enough to fool someone who sees thru them....and in this case, I see right thru her....right down to her EVIL SOUL!

Rest In Love Travis, you have done well in your short life! And even in death you continue to touch lives with your amazing thoughts and point of view....
May your family keep your memory alive, and hopefully your book will be released so that millions more may benefit from your inspiring words....

My deepest condolences goes out to the family...
Such a great loss! May his works live on....may you all find time.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever get to?

Anonymous said...

RIP Travis,your life has been a hell I hope you are with your grandpa now and that That murderer will get what she deserves in this life and the next!

Anonymous said...

One of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I pray that your family can find peace. You are so beautiful. RIP <3

Anonymous said...

wow!! anyone who had to wonder what "raising you" stood for is truly stupid...It means finding and growing within yourself and those are profound words by Travis Alexander..he is to be admired..god bless the Alexander family...

Anonymous said...

"There is none righteous, no, not one ... for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3: 10,23

Christina said...

Even tho I never met you I just wanna say you helped me better my life. I too had a hard up bringing but I sat around and felt bad for myself til I heard your story. I'm going back to school now and I write my to do list on a index card. I use to hid and not get much done but now I get more stuff done then most, thanks to you. Sucks I had to hear about you in this way but your life has motivated me to become a better mom and sister. Thank you soooooo much!!!!

Linda said...

In an abusive relationship there is an aggressor and a victim. The aggressor controls the relationship by either Financial Means Violence or manipulation. In this case a very sexual woman uses all her experience to ensnare someone that though is not virginal is much less experienced in the seamier side of life. He was lured by the seduction and he struggled with resisting . He sought help from His bishop and his friends. Did he succumb one last time yes he did . Did he deserve to die for that mistake?NO! He was the victim here . She tried her best to get him to marry her to give her what she wanted most money security and someone to be under her spell forever. The experts will tell you the most vulnerable time for a victim of domestic abuse is when they TRY TO LEAVE. They are in extreme danger of being killed . Who ended up dead in the shower. Travis. Case closed!

Anonymous said...

Still feeling such sorrow for what happened to Travis

Anonymous said...

Same feeling as comment above. I follow the trial and stories every day. So.saddened for someone to be taken away from this world. He was amazing from what I hear and read. Rip. Maybe someday we will.cross the same path and meet.

Anonymous said...

I hope she gets the death penalty. If she doesn't, then somebody needs to get inside and give it to her. Otherwise this will set a very bad precedence.

MrLokster said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MrLokster said...

Look up! the bitch posted on the victim's page on May 5 2008 before his death. I bet she was probably thinking about butchering him while reading on his blog page with her holding the gun or knife, he didn't know what she was planning to do to him on the June 4, it's sad. She slashed his tires with the same knife that used to killed him, she totally fucked his life, bullied and controlled him! The background information about her is just fucking awful. If a psycho obsessed whore was in my house without me knowing and slashed my tires. I'd be extremely pissed off!

Anonymous said...

WOW why was my comment deleted. There was nothing wrong nor bad that I posted. It was all nice things to say about Travis and how I felt about Jodi. I also see WAY far worse postings on his blog than what I posted and they are still was from my heart what I wrote and expressing my voice as living in a Free country. WOW I am still just in AW that my post got deleted!

Jaxsen said...

You have inspired many Mr. Alexander, I'm hoping this little piece was only the beginning of a larger book that will one day be up for sale. I would be more willing to buy a copy in your memory. You my man were totally awesome. Someone may take your place, but there will never be another Travis Alexander. RIP!

And to the travis haters, this was the blog entry she was pissed about that she said he didn't credit her for. Just remember that when you and say she was a victim, Oo, seriously?

Travis Alexander said...

I visit you blog because,
my name is Travis Alexander.

I live in Los Angeles, Ca.

If anybody wants to see what,
I have on my blog.

Visit :

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