Monday, April 14, 2008

Why we are here...

I can't say that I have ever done a blog before. Til now I have felt it to be a little trendy for my taste. However I have been feeling a little pensive lately and just felt like writng my thoughts down. I don't care too badly if anyone reads this, I guess it is just more for me.
I love my life. Why I have been so blessed, is hard for me to understand. I have fantastic visionary friends. A supportive family. Most importantly the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been put in a good place financially the past few years and more and more everyday I have a greater passion about this life I have been given. I can honestly say that I awake every single day happy. I am motivated by it. To make it a day better than the last. To go to bed better than I woke up and to do it all over again the next day.
I guess that is why I am writing this. I feel as if it is the way to live. To have purpose, to have righteous desire to make this world a better place because you are in it. It is trendy these days for comedians and celebrities and the country in general, to blame our problems on our President his cabinet and whoever else they can. My question is who decides how much TV we watch on a daily basis, how much time do we spend in negative conversation of family members and co workers. The reading of the latest of Brittney and K-Fed rather than a book about how to better yourself. Or even the music about random sex violence and living like an animal.
My point being that these same people that are at home engaged in these activities are the same people blaming someone else for how pathetic their life is. Making no connection that it might not be some guy in the Whitehouse that it is to blame. If you want to know why life is the way it is, For the good or the bad, you don't have to look any farther than the nearest mirror. Thats right it is my opinion that 100% of where you are depends on you. Now you don't have to agree but if you will do yourself the favor of accepting 100% responcibility for where you are in life, then and only then can you change your life.
You see, if you choose to blame someone else than you have no power. For things to change they have to change and chances are they wont because honestly they are probably doing just fine. But if you want your life to change, it can, if you choose to change. If you want to lose 20 lbs President Bush can't go to the gym for you. If you want to get a promotion at work Condoleezza Rice can't decide to be a little more productive than your counter parts. If you want a more successful marriage, Dick Cheney can't pry your hand off the remote and place it on the hand of your spouse that hasnt heard the words I love you in six months.
My point being is that it has nothing to do with who is running the White house it matters who is running your house. For whatever reason in the midst of all our courses in college there isnt a class called responcibility 101. If we would just live up to our own situation and be proactive in knowing we all alone just as one person can make a difference in our own life and the lives of countless others this world would be infinantly better. We all in my opinion are children of God. When a king has a son we call him a prince, destin to become a king himself. Well we are the children of the King of kings. As the adage says the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. And if we are children of one that has power to create worlds without number than we have power to change this world.

I think Marianne Williamson said it best:
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously giveother people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear,our presence automatically liberates others."

We Only live once, we dont get another shot if we screw it up. Why not live life to the fullest. On our death bed, none of us will wish they watched more TV or read more tabloids or liste to foul music, and they certainly wont wish that they blamed there lives on someone else a liitle more.
It is my prayer that we live all the days of our lives. That we will be brave enough to unplug from the matrix and let the greatness within us manifest to all the world so that you will provide courage for others to do the same. Then can you live an abundant fulfilling life with out regret. A life that most are afraid to even dream about. I know that such a life exist. That it is intended for all of us. The Savior said: I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly. That is my wish for all of you. You can have it if you can only convince the one in the mirror. This is why I think to some degree why we are here.
Travis Alexander


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Loyal Book Friend said...

I liked what you said about how we only have the chance to live once and we shouldn't screw it up. That is some wise council.

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite post – probably because you give me a mention – one of your “fantastic visionary friends.” ...haha =) It's loaded with inspiration, humorous sarcasm, and fresh perspectives, love it!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite post – probably because you give me a mention – one of your “fantastic visionary friends.” ...haha =) It's loaded with inspiration, humorous sarcasm, and fresh perspectives, love it!

Smelling^roSeS said...

i came across your blog, only too late that is for you to read this message that was going to say that you are an inspirationa nd a very talented writer, but i think you knew :)

Anonymous said...

you were a good soul Travis. I did not know you but it seems you have lefet a legacy. It is heart breaking to me the unfortunate events that has happened. Rest in peace, and may justice prevail.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice Jodi writes on here one month before she killed him. Planning the murderer as she tries to hold on to him. RIP young Travis. You deserved longer years and much more.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had known you in other terms RIP beautiful soul

Anonymous said...

This should be called: "Travis Alexander's Being Better to Everyone But Jodi Blog"

Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself!! Get off of his blog- Travis is the victim NOT your precious Jodi, should you be brutally murdered for your comments on here and your complete disregard for a life? Go climb back up Jodi's vagina as I'm sure there's room and shut your discusting hole in your face!

Anonymous said...

One psycho deserves another.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the poster who said that it's so tragic that it's too late to tell you that you're a remarkable & inspirational person! I'm sure you are looking down from HEAVEN & must be happy that you are inspiring so many after your passing!

Anonymous said...

There is obviously a Jodi arias family member posting on Travis's blogs post mortem. That is absolutely disgusting. It's one thing to stand behind your family but it is absolutely soul less to bad mouth a wonderful kind man that was brutally murdered.

Anonymous said...

Rip Travis.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks for this beautiful soul that was taken from us so soon. Thank you Travis for your inspiring words and I will use them daily to better my life. I pray that justice will prevail..and that you may RIP knowing that you have made so many lives better with yourpositive and encouraging words. I know your with our Lord and Savior above. God Bless you and all those that loved you so.

Anonymous said...

I hope that jodi rots in that cell,even thou she doesnt deserve that

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to read more carefully.

Think about it...would a family member of Jodi say Travis was a hypocritical abuser AND that Jodi dug both his grave and hers, and that she now needs to lie in it?

This is exactly what I'm talking about. One or more persons here assume way too much.

Anonymous said...

Notice the DATES.....people! The Arias messages were left while Travis was ALIVE! She was a follower of his Blog (& copied many of its topics for her blog---oddly!
RIP Travis Alexander

Anonymous said...

This should be renamed "Travis Alexander's Pretending to Be Better Blog".

Amber G. said...

I wish I was as happy about my life as you were but I think your soul knew you going to the next world & that's why you were so happy & content because you finished your work here. Sorry your journey into the next world was so violent. Hugs to you in heaven & to your friends & family who will forever miss you.

Anonymous said...

He is surely in his heavenly castle now.

Anonymous said...

Rest in piece Travis.... My heart aches over the brutality in the way you were sent to heaven.. Justice will prevail Travis.. My prayers to you and your family. Watch over us all with your halo and wings.

Anonymous said...

Yes, rest in peace Travis. Lots of us are watching faithfully and patiently for justice to come around for you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Travis ... your words are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

love u

Anonymous said...

As I watch this trial and see how Travis's name is being dragged through the mud as a sexual deviant. I can't help But wonder, what could Have been for him. He had so much potential. His life was brutally interuppted by a jealous, manipulating, phoney woman who felt that if she could not have him, then no one can. I pray that the jury will see through this and realize that he did not derserve to die this way. RIP Travis

Anonymous said...

Notice that Jodi posted twice she had to different names:
Something to Think About &Jodi Arias

Travis, you have so many people that are looking for JUSTICE for you, we continue to pray for your family.

Something to Think About said...
This is my favorite post – probably because you give me a mention – one of your “fantastic visionary friends.” ...haha =) It's loaded with inspiration, humorous sarcasm, and fresh perspectives, love it!

May 1, 2008 at 9:50 PM
Jodi Arias said...
This is my favorite post – probably because you give me a mention – one of your “fantastic visionary friends.” ...haha =) It's loaded with inspiration, humorous sarcasm, and fresh perspectives, love it!

May 1, 2008 at 9:52 PM

Anonymous said...

Jodi arias is nothing more than an uneducated old worn out whore. Hope she ends up in death chamber. Piece of shit. Glad the defense has let her nail her own coffin shut.

Anonymous said...

I think everyone should respect this blog and only comment on the good inspirational writing of Travis. I am sure that his family reads these pages to hold on to every last thing they have left of their son, brother, nephew, friend.

Anonymous said...

I did.. can't wait for it to all ne over. He needs justice and so do the family and friends.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Some of the comments here are disgusting and cold. Take your bickering and hatred to some forum where others are following the case. Leave his blog as a place for family, friends and supporters to leave memorial messages. Be inspired by his words and love of life. Strive to live as he says he did.

Anonymous said...

Brother Alexanders' writings are an inspiration, and my prayers go out to his family and friends, we can only hope that JA will finally Repent & come out with the truth and give the family closer, vengeance is Heavenly Fathers, and that is one of the comforts I have for forgiving those in my past.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RIP Good Person. Weary for us all and hoping someone with some sense will stand up for you.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with the entire Alexander family during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

I think most peoples problems with Bush were of a political nature, not that he is responsible for their personal problems. Not sure I understand this post.

Anonymous said...

Mormonism is a cult! "Brother Alexander"! Give me break? Now why do so many Mormon women have boob jobs? Because they are all sexual deviants. hey why don't you go simulate throat slashing at a wedding somewhere!

Anonymous said...

I agree, its sad for sure. I think he would have went much further had his life not been robbed. I am almost certain that Jodi planned this.

Anonymous said...

I know you wont see this cause your locked up for murder and will hopefully be sentenced to death soon but YOU ARE CRAZY! I just hope the jury doesnt fall for your pathetic stalker lies. You disgust me! How can you claim to love this man? You are nuts and lost it once you realized he would never marry you. I feel bad for your family but girly you gotta go. Maybe if you werent so quick to sleep with him things would have worked out. Most men dont marry girls like you especially men who are trying to live by God. I understand your being upset but I cannot justify you allowing that to ruin your life or take his. Sex a sin? MURDER is a sin.

Anonymous said...

You were definitely a hypocrite and so full of yourself. That said, you were murdered by someone who would not let go--someone who justified your slaughter. OK, she wasn't the "axe murderer" you referred to, but she did a complete job of butchery...Incredible.

Anonymous said...

Let this be a cautionary tale for all those who don't want a full relationship anymore, but allow themselves to be drawn in by sex alone--even after the sex object has proven instability.

Anonymous said...

0 updown
Share | Flag​lbums/ww152/mkennedy79/TA_zps​18cbf133.png What is really creepy is, that if you take this photo and zoom in on a good high res screen, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE JODI'S REFLECTION in Travis' right eye, MOMENTS BEFORE SHE KILLS HIM. You can see the hallway on the right and even where the white baseboards meet the tile and the white closet door behind her on the left. She is wearing a dark, long sleeved shirt (weird being June in AZ) with some light color on it (white perhaps or a shirt under a jacket) and dark pants. You can even see where the sleeve ends on her left forearm (before the wrist). Her hair is pulled back. The camera is in her right hand and her left arm is crossed in front of her at her waist. Look at what she is holding in her left hand?? It looks like something long, thin and very light in color (...knife, perhaps??). Do you see it??!! JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS!!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this blog. Why is it all the brightest good hearted people are taken from us? You have not died in vain! I pray for you, your family, and I know JUSTICE will be served for this one contemptable act that took you away from all who loved you. If only we could turn back time and stopped you from meeting that psycho.

Anonymous said...

Very true.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching this trial closely and I just can't believe how much time Jodi is given on the stand to slaughter this man's reputation after she has slaughtered HIM. He was a faulty human being, and yes, a bit of a hypocrite, as we ALL are from time to time. But he didn't deserve to be murdered and she shouldn't be sitting there making up lies about the child porn where there's absolutely no proof. The court is allowing the lunatic to run the asylum. I hope this will end soon and she will be locked up for the rest of her days. I don't want her to get the death penalty; she should have to live with what she did. She hasn't forgotten.

Joyce Dutton said...

God bless you, Travis, may justice prevail! We will win over the evil that has been residing in court for now, I know you are watching from afar! Justice for Travis!

Anonymous said...

I pray justice for Travis and his family. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Travis, you are a beautiful soul and you will be so greatly missed by many... I ray for peace to your family right now, and may your soul rest in heaven forever

Anonymous said...

It is early of second day of cross examination and she is being made to look like a complete FOOL AND LIAR. Justice for Travis and his family !

Anonymous said...

Travis should have followed his own so-called beliefs. To quote:

"If you want to know why life is the way it is, For the good or the bad, you don't have to look any farther than the nearest mirror. Thats right it is my opinion that 100% of where you are depends on you. Now you don't have to agree but if you will do yourself the favor of accepting 100% responcibility for where you are in life, then and only then can you change your life."

Anonymous said...

fuck travis. he deserved it all and more.

Anonymous said...

he was a user, loser and egomaniac. broken down purple bmw says it all. over his skiis in money borrowing from a waitress.
fat pudgy loser who never went to college. we would have kicked his ass in my frat house just for his looks on that pudgy face. i wish she would have done it more slowly. she could have tortured him after the shot for hours. she took it easy on his fatass.

Anonymous said...

Travis i didnot know you but you spoke inspirational words! You sound to be a awsome man! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Of course she thought she was one of his "visionary friends"! She's so freaking psycho!

Anonymous said...

I find it absolutely revolting and pathetic about the comments that are insulting a man who has been slain by a sociopathic cunt. He is not here to defend himself, and for those who are on Jodi's side, I hope karma comes your way and you experience the ultimate pain. Pain in which there is no definition, like how Travis's family has been feeling for 5 years. It is such a shame for such a beautiful man to have died this way. No one should have to experience the death that he did, except if you're Jodi, a follower of Jodi, a murderer or a rapist. I hope those who have trash talked Travis and his family, rot in their soulless bodies. I hope they too die a long, excruciating death. I hope that whatever is out there after death, that these people will forever be stuck in neutral, never to experience the beautiful afterlife. RIP Travis, I hope you and your family receive justice.

Anonymous said...

"Brother Alexander" You mean sexual pervert alexander. Mormons and their values....

Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Travis. Justice is needed for you.

Anonymous said...

What anonymous said above goes double for me - Hopefully all of you who participated in disrespecting Travis will have a Jodi Arias in your life one day - or maybe your sister's, or daughter's, or son's, etc.

Anonymous said...

God bless you. RIP.

Anonymous said...

it was ur fault travis u use her sex was good but u pay the price.

Anonymous said...

soory travis u live a double life ur as dirty as jodi u paid it with your life

Anonymous said...

travis thats what happens when u mess with the devil she took ur soul and your life

Anonymous said...

You live a safe secure life when you went to live with your grandmother, you were sheltered from the dark side for a while, Untill Jodi came along. I believe you thought of her as a potential wife when you first met her. you wanted her babtised so she would be ready for marriage if thingswent that way.But the real Jodi emerged when you talked and joked with other women. She could'nt keep her real personna hidden. She got to you by the sex talk. the phone calls. any man would have acted the same way. But you came to your senses, and knew she was not what she seemed. You wanted to get away.So she has used everyone and anyone to her own end. You are sitting at the right hand of God now Travis. You were a special soul and our heavenly Father needed you in heaven. Your family and frienda love you Travis. So do hundreds of others who are reading this blog and watching the court give Jodi what she deserves. I know you atre in that court room and you will not rest untill you see things set right.

Casey P. said...

You've got to be some kind of psychopaths yourselves to come on a dead man's blog and say he deserved it. Also shows your lack of balls for not posting your name next to your "brave" comments. Whether she's guilty or not, you all look like complete fools and don't help her case whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Guy was a sexual deviant, sick sodomizer pervert faggot. F'ing her in the azzhole and treating her like a whore -- She's sick too but he isn't a saint and his blog sucks cause it's all ripped off from other authors!

Anonymous said...


cweed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cweed said...

I am full of optimism that Jodi will get the death penalty. The true judge will be when she meets her maker.

Anonymous said...

He liked to fudge pack her bunghole while telling the world he was such a good person. LOL, what a facade!!!! She deserves a rope though for what she did to him.

Anonymous said...

RIP . I believe you were such a good person. You are flying with the angels. Soaring to the heights you dreamed of on this earth.

Anonymous said...

I cried when I came across his blog. I knew that everything she said in court was a lie; but reading this only emboldened in my mind what an inspiring man Travis was & how the world lost an angel the day he passed. I dated someone who was the total opposite of myself a few yrs ago. He pulled me away from my morals and to this day I hate myself for that. If travis was guilty of anything it was being naïve. RIP Travis, you are with God now-safe forever.

Anonymous said...

It broke my heart to read those words - 'This will be the best year of my life.' It was not to be, poor Travis.

You were a man of flesh and blood, with flaws and weaknesses just as everyone else.

You met someone who had experience with men and their weaknesses & I'm sure she was the aggressor in seducing you.

I've read your account of your childhood, so I find it even more disturbing that Arias claims parental discipline was abuse when you actually suffered abuses. She never went hungry in her life, but you did.

I can only hope and pray the jury will discount every word she has said, every feigned tear, just throw it all out and look at the evidence; she planned what she did to you - and she planned to get away with it. If that gun was yours, she'd be screaming every hour for the authorities to find it. Her life, though, depends upon them NOT finding it.
My best to your family - I am so sorry. God bless...

Anonymous said...

Did you know Travis? I think what you are saying is horrible.

Anonymous said...

I could not stop the tears as I read this. I know that justice is coming for your family Travis. Prayers sent!

Anonymous said...

I hope Travis's loved ones take comfort in the fact that he has had a huge impact on a lot of people. His legacy is one of encouraging others to live their best life and in the most tragic way his message is touching people. He was a handsome, kind and good man who was take from this world far too soon and in the most brutal way imaginable. My sincere condolences on your loss.

charla mckinney said...

I fear Jody will walk away with that grin on her face. She seems to relish her memories of that day, she claims to forget. I will be sad if this girl gets to walk, for his death will seem to have been in vien. But through the sadness I will have for his family, I will smile for her day will come, she will pay. As wonderful as heaven is where Travis now walks his days in love and glory, hell will be Jodi's eternal life, what she wanted in this life will be there just out if her reach, she will suffer as she walks through the fire of hell.
I am not Mormon but I know God's will, will be, rather here on earth or in eternity.
My love and prayers are with your family Travis as you watch over them. Don't worry about the words thrust upon who you were, your light shines brighter then her lies!

sylvia porter said...

Well i gotta say for the haters of Travis you don't even know him noone knew him until now and how could anyone say he deserved to die like that noone deserved what jodi did to travis...And noone deserves to die like travis did...Jodi is such a lier i don't believe anything that comes out of her mouth and i don't believe Travis ever slept with jodi he wanted to save himself for marriage and travis never slept with his other girlfriends so what makes anyone think he slept with jodi...Travis went out of his way to make jodi happy he would give her money for food and go out of his way to get her a cinnobun for when she got off the plane...Travis was so free hearted and such a good person and jodi took advatage of that...jodi was so obessed with Travis and she had fantasy of travis...Jodi took travis life before his time and jodi broke the lord commandments i shall not kill...The only person who should have took Travis life was god and Wheather jodi gets the death pentalty or not she will get hers when she leaves this world...I would hate to be in her shoes when that happens...Travis was free hearted and a good person and jodi took advatage of that...R.I.P. Travis...

Unknown said...

After reading Travis' blog it brought me to tears. I have 3 sons, one the same age as him and all I can say is this....The Good Lord needed another angel and took him home. We love and cherish you Dear Boy!

char said...

May,4 2008 Jodi Arias wrote in her blog that she stopped believing in laws of attraction 6 months ago
She is a murderious liar who is trying to corrupt the good name of a man she took from us all!

Anonymous said...

Two weeks later you posted the same Marianne Williamson quote on your blog as if you hadn't just read it on Travis's. And to assume he "mentioned" you is further evidence that you are insane.

I am so glad Travis took his words of inspiration to the Internet instead of just in his own personal journal. Hopefully people will have the opportunity to read these entries and begin to understand more about his nature than just what is portrayed in the courtroom. While I have never met Travis, his family, I can only imagine how challenging it has been to hear the continual slaying of his reputation. Hopefully you will find peace in all of those who have come out to support the man he was in his heart and who he wanted to be in this world. It is nice to see how loved this man was and all he accomplished despite the hardships he faced as a young boy.

My prayers are with you all.

Diane771 said...

When I read some of Travis writings, I can't imagine the tremendous pain of his death is causing his family and friends. I see a promising man who could of encouraged many people thru his trials and experiences, to carry on with life,and things will get better. His spirit will remain but its so, so sad, to think he is no longer on this earth. Tragedy

Tim S said...

While I never met you and I doubt in life that our paths would have ever crossed, I wish that there were different circumstances that brought me to comment to your rhetorical question as to, Why We Are Here…

I do not typically post on any blogs, but after following the trial the last few weeks, I was compelled to visit your site.

As a man of similar age and reader of self-improvement books, I wanted to thank you for sharing your inspirational stories and outlook on how to make the most out of life. When I watched Sesame Street with my three-year old daughter this morning, I thought of your comment and solace that it gave you in those trying times.

I am sure that you were not the first and will not be last man to be tempted by women of looks with unbounded prurient interests. As one who has had relationships that devolve purely into those based upon sexual relations, I would agree that they are difficult to walk away from. As for the recorded phone call, I would attest that many of those terms and practices are common place these days for young women in their twenties.

In the end, I hope and pray that for your friends and family that justice will be served.

In the end, the world will remember her for but two things: (1) the unflattering image of her gaping swollen anus perched high in the sky, and (2) her reaction when she is found guilty and sentenced to death.

In the end, I hope that once the verdict and sentence is rendered that the publishers of Time Magazine would opt to pick your faux cover “Alexander the Great,” to grace their cover page of the events. They won’t, but they should. It is a shame in our society that the victims of crimes are forgotten while the savages amongst us are acclaimed.

In the end, I hope that there are others that have taken inspiration from your message and go on to be better people and make the world a better place.

Anonymous said...

God bless! RIP Travis... Xx

Anonymous said...

I think it's disgusting that people are posting horrific things about this poor young man. He wasn't perfect but he was a human being. He (like most men) was enticed by her beauty and sexuality and like another person said, the only thing he is guilty of is his naivete. He was a beautiful man who overcame a terrible childhood (his story brings tears to my eyes). God Bless Him xoxox

Anonymous said...

I think it's disgusting that people are posting horrific things about this poor young man. He wasn't perfect but he was a human being. He (like most men) was enticed by her beauty and sexuality and like another person said, the only thing he is guilty of is his naivete. He was a beautiful man who overcame a terrible childhood (his story brings tears to my eyes). God Bless Him xoxox

Anonymous said...

justice will be served even if Jodi has fooled the jury. There's no fooling God. In the end, Jesus will stand there and call her out as a murderer and TA will be there and I hope he gets to decide her punishment.

after reading his blog about how hard it was on TA and his siblings. Breaks my heart. Especially when you read where had typed that 2008 was his year. SO SO Sad

rot in hell Jodi. I wish to God I could be the one to do justice to this whole situation.

Anonymous said...

Fudge packing Travis hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Travis should have obtained a restraining order, bolted the doggy door, and not let her in his house after she slashed his tires instead of walking around telling people "oh you might find me dead someday."

GreatNothing said...

I cried when i saw the photos of his mutilated body. So what if he never went to college, was fat, or whatever other nasty things ppl here are saying about him! NO ONE deserves to die like that. He seemed like a normal 30y/o male to me, but then im from NY and things are much different here. And no i dont think he was a pedophile and it's wrong to make such accusations when there's no proof and he isn't here to defend himself.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they performed A2M.

Anonymous said...

A girl may have killed you and your hypocrisy, but what about those bloody foot prints that HLN doesnt' choose to dwell on?

Anonymous said...

17997Why are they so ignored?

Anonymous said...

I have been watching this trial from the begining its crazy. I have pstd and anxiety and chronic depression. I was in a vey abusive relationship was almost killed. now there is a wack of an expert saying memory loss. I have to call b.s. I remember everything from 5hours of pure hell and torture. Its my beleif she was the emotionally and mentally abusive person in this relationship. Just like my abuser he had everyone beleiving it was me with the issues. Beleive you me she remembers everything! Abusive obessed people cannot and will not take responsibility for there actions. So yeah she admits to the killing does she have a choice. So being a person who was truly beaten time and time again she makes me sick. FYI my mother cut herself on a knife in which her pinky is crooked. And for people who want to slam a dead person find your own site to write.

Anonymous said...

The good lord had nothing to do with this could a god of love need an angel that he would have this young man brutally murdered...doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

Who are you to JUDGE someone because they sin differently than you?

Anonymous said...

You mean like premeditated murder? God dose say that is a biger than most.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe people saying such horrible things about a person so brutally slayed. She has to be a psycho, gosh I throw up at the sight of blood, to do that? There is something in her that deems her fit not to dwell in society. And as far as him being fat? Um, your body swells with build up of gasses and decomposition. I wish I didn't even know that! He didn't want her, so what, he didn't deserve this. People have sex and break up all the time. Normal people identify their mistakes, get over it and move on.

Anonymous said...

Travis Alexander was fit when he was murdered by this buck toothed bitch!!! I never seen a photo of Travis "fat" so for anyone saying that he was unfit either "A" has issues about their own weight or "B" has nothing better to do then try and start a fight while they are safe behind a computer screen!!! Ignorant people needa be taken off this earth!!!Travis is in my daily thoughts and prayers for justice to be served!! I can't wait till the whore Jodi gets the death penalty!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He gave new meaning to that old classic tune "Do it in the Butt!"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Alexander's final moments haunt most of the United States, perhaps the world. How terrifying.
However, let this be a lesson or a warning for men. Women, especially the suspect in this case, look, sound, play.. Sweet. She is girly. But, these females can mess you up if you cross one too many times. Learn the signs. If she is crazy, you'll know before something horrible happens to you. Travis held on to long.

Anonymous said...

Jodi is a disgusting excuse for a human being. I feel for Travis's family as they are now the livin victims whereas Travis was taken way too soon. His blogs are so full of life that I know they will help people. He made a difference in his short life, may he rest in peace.

Ella said...

Travis was not perfect, like everyone else on this earth, but he seems like a wonderful young man with a great attitude. He could have gone far and touched and inspired so many. On days when the world just really seems to s**k, I think of some of his words and how he truly seemed to be grateful for the life he had and that he is no longer here to experience anything, good or bad. It makes me change my attitude. I am still here, I can see the sun come up each morning and hope for better days. He lost all of his opportunities. Whatever he may or may not have done, he didn't deserve what happened to him. I can only hope he is in that better place we all want to believe in. God bless Travis and his family.

carolina36 said...

Dear Lord this girl is a complete nut case. Look at the mere fact that she posted on this page the same thing above, under two different user names (one under her real name and then just prior to that, one in another name "Something to Think About" two minutes apart. Is this the amount of time that it takes for this individual (not sure what to call her or it) to switch gears? Think about it.......the above truly shows how she operates. I wish Juan could pull that and use as a comparison.

Unknown said...

JA May God have mercy on your soul

Anonymous said...

Anyone read Travis's final blog post here...then imagine psycho Jodi and how reading that must have sent her into a complete downward spiral. The nut case took it personally and couldn't stand the fact that he didn't find what he wanted in her for a wife. As for her dog and pony show of a trial, we can only hope the jurors are educated people. Travis was and will continue to be a positive inspiration to many.RIP.

Anonymous said...

he actually wrote this in 2006, his just pasted and posted a blog from his myspace account you can check it out here and from the comments that he post on Jodi's myspace shows how sexually active he was and her post are nothing of the sort. just sayin, compare both myspaces very weird.

Anonymous said...

how weird that she more or less wrote the same blog with a different title 15 days after he did. Stalker!!!! EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad so much evidence of her stalker behavior is too prejudicial to be admitted into evidence, yet she can spew lie upon lie of unsubstantiated fabrications in court. Any comments Travis supposedly made on her social medias could have easily been Jodi as she hacked into his email, Facebook, MySpace etc. Her devious diabolical manipulative mind plotted and planned Travis's death well before it happened. That's how psychopaths operate... every move deliberately planned out with she didn't plan on the camera accidentally taking photos of it all...and being retrieved... divine intervention.

Anonymous said...

I never knew Travis but from his friends , family and posts I have learned a lot. His family and friends have suffered a great loss. I pray for this family and friends. I also pray for Justice for Travis. May he rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there when you get the needle you pycho bitch.

Anonymous said...

It is very sad to have to say that I learned of you through your unfortunate passing. Although we will never meet, I am inspired by your words and feel blessed to have learned about you. You are a beautiful soul and the world is missing a beautiful man! We will never forget and we will always remember you Travis. You have touched the lives of many without even knowing it!! May God continue to hold you tight any may you Rest In Peace. God Bless the Alexander Family!!

freaked out! said...

How is the date March 18th for your reply?? its the 11th of March 2013!!!!!!! :-0

Shay said...

Wow, Jodi you are extremely dillusional if you ACTUALLY think that he was mentioning you in this blog! I highly doubt your name or your face went through his mind as he wrote "fantastic visionary friends".
Rest in Peace Travis

Anonymous said...

God, your family and friends know what a inspiration you ARE, not were. Your spirit will live on.

Anonymous said...

GOD Bless your family and friends, may your loving fun spirit live on in our hearts. xxoo

Anonymous said...

You looked like a chipmunk.

Anonymous said...

Typical hypocritical Mormon - decrying 'sex' in public while sinning and being a freak behind closed doors. One less Mormon in this world if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

I knew Travis in Arizona and he was pretty egotistical - cheating on his girlfriend with JA and telling her how hot it was when she 'sounded like a 12-year old having her first orgasm - hot' Pretty much sums up Travis - pretending to be one thing to the world while hiding who he really is. It's just as much his fault for knowing he should've left but staying instead.

Janet L Cathers said...

By God he makes one comment and you want to judge him by that!!! Jodi taped that and knew what she was doing she did make herself sound like a 12 year old girl. The man is dead stop killing him over again he wasn't perfect but I only wish he would of got that knife off of her and stabbed that cold hearted Bitc# in the heart, useless woman.

Anonymous said...

People seem to forget, Travis was already seeking guidance for this issue through his Bishop . Also, there is not a bit of information that Travis had a FULL sexual relationship with anyone before Ms. Arias. Travis and his family should be receiving compassion and support and NOT criticism and blame. That entire family has come from a place most of you could never imagine . They survived to become beautiful people, and NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO SAY OTHERWISE!

Anonymous said...

you were disgusting.
and you did things you knew were wrong. and treated someone in ways you knew were wrong. you embraced the darkness and you are nothing but a man of deception and lies. Atleast you were... now you are dead. I am sorry you suffered. What did you do with your time on earth?
there were two victims in this "love affair" You are both disgusting.

Anonymous said...

God bless you. Thank you for sharing & encouraging others. I'm sorry your time was cut so short & in such a terrible way. I hope justice is served for you here on earth, but no matter what she can't lie her way out of meeting the final judge one day. Rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

How eerie to see this played out in hindsight. I believe JA would have kept up with this blog, which would be consistent w/ her other stalking activities. His last entry may have been the final confirmation that SHE was NOT the one he intended to spend his life with, and she was determined he would spend it with no one else. For those who come here to further tarnish Travis's name, I will say I personally believe that Travis was sincere in his faith, albeit very confused during that time of his life. We ALL have those people who can lead us down a slippery slope--Jodi was that person to Travis. We all sin, we just usually escape the misfortune of having it broadcast on national tv daily. And so, so tragically, Travis's poor choice ended his life.

denise said...

I have just finished reading his blog and am inspired his words. I have been listening/following the trial and felt that Travis was a good man that got caught up with devil! May God keep you in his arms and give the Alexandra family the strength knowing that their brother is safe and at God's side.

Anonymous said...

Why are people portraying Travis as such a Holy person? I don't believe he deserved to die, but I wish people would realize he was not innocent. Does anyone think what he said during the phone sex to not be disturbing? He was no angel, he professed having this wonderful faith yet behind closed doors he was fornicating all over the place. Not a reason to be murdered, but he should not be praised as a wonderful person either.

sherry said...

dear anonymous, no one is least he did his best at being holy! again no one if perfect..he didnt deserve to die..why would it even matter to you that people are portraying him such a holy person?? the guy lost his life..good grief..put your own pathetic selfish self to the side for a moment and quit trying to call someone out thats life ended way too soon to evil! thank you now go have a nice day! ~sherry

sherry said...

and how many people do you know that claim to be so holy ,going to church all the time, reads their bibles, preaches etc..that dont make mistakes too? no one and i mean no one is sin free! thanks! sherry

Anonymous said...

this guy was a fucking no good pig keep portraying him as a angel--- the truth is he was a slimy arrogant pig one less fucking moron on the earth good riddance!!!!!

mark said...

couldnt agree more.The Man was a hypocrite and a perv

jen said...

Travis alexander is rotting in hell right now!

Anonymous said...

I have sex sometimes it's kinky sometimes not. I believe in god call on his name all the time. I am not married and neither is the man I sleeping with. There are times when I don't feel like having sex and he does so I just go along with it. Never tried anal sex, but there is time. Hopefully we tried every other knotty position in the book. I love pleasing n being pleased. No JIZZ in the face however had it on my chest. I go too church, but have not told a soul about my sex life. I work, but never tell co-workers hey guys I fucked him good last night. Should I be killed because I have sex. for all that has judge Travis it must be nice to be perfect. POINT my sex life just like Travis is none of your business. Jodi is sick and if not for the c1olor of her skin, looks she would be on death row 2/2013

Anonymous said...

No one here is in any position to judge this young man. We all have shortcomings and he, at least, aspired to do better. It was his path and as he matured, had he had the chance, he would have learned the lessons he was to learn with regard to many of his challenges. He had much potential and had overcome so much in his life. Whomever judges him should perhaps look in the mirror and work on themselves first. When you point a finger THREE are pointing back at you. At least Travis was making the effort to improve his life. And he is not here to defend himself or even take responsibility for any of his behavior. Something the young lady who murdered him has yet to do...

Anonymous said...

A message for Travis' family-

I have watched every minute of this trial from the other side of the world (Ireland) I have read every document available on the internet about this case. I have worked for thirty years with survivors of rape and childhood sexual abuse many of whom also experienced domestic violence. I am a feminist who has campaigned for women's rights.

I just want to say that it is clear to me that your brother was not a paedophile nor a perpetrator of partner violence. Jodi Arias clearly suffers from a personality disorder and morbid jealousy. I do not believe in the death penalty but I sincerely hope she gets LWOP

It is heartbreaking to watch the expressions on your faces as Arias, La Violette and Nurmi attempt to destroy your brother's reputation. He may not have been an angel but he was a good and decent person.

Jodi Arias (and Alyce La Violette) have done a terrible diservice to women who are victims of physical and sexual abuse who genuinely kill in self-defense as juries will be less likely to believe them in future.

I hope the family know that the vast majority of decent people throughout the world are supporting them and can see the truth. We are with you in spirit as is your lovely brother Travis.

Anonymous said...

To the Alexander Family:
Please know that everyone knows all these horrific accusations about your dear brother are lies. She is evil and I pray she gets the maximum punishment..the death penalty she deserves nothing less for taking the young life of a man with such an inspirational spirit.
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

IM Sorry ur Brother was Murded But If it wasnt for tv court tv No one would have knowin of Him , And now there are a place to give Money to his Family Thats Not right Getting money from the death of Ur Brother ,, And he was lucky to have had a good life and people loved him ,What about little kids like 5 YEARS old That dont live to 35 And get taken from there Home and raped and Killed Do they get the same Publicty As Travis did NO I Think the Money people give You should Give it to familys that lost there Kids by a Killer

Anonymous said...

That's the problem, he was good to Jodi til she started to go craycray.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful soul Travis had-no body is perfect-at least he was trying to better himself and the world-I pray and hope for justice-that Jodi will sit on death row, and not be killed herself, found guilty of pre meditation, NOT be able to profit from her madness.

The more powerful and the more good potential that people have to spread goodness have the biggest demons on their backs-sex is a portal to sway people away from their highest good and toward the"other"side.

God bless and send peace to all the friends and family of Travis and Jodi,s family too and the jury as well.

I hope that this awful tragedy spreads awareness of sex addiction and domestic violence and mental health disorders that have been highlighted throughout this grave ordeal.

Anonymous said...

Travis you have touched my heart in such a way noone has done in a very long time...
My thought and prayers are with you and your family at this very turbulent time. I pray for justice and peace for you now and always!

Dorothy said...

Travis♥ Thank you for all your insights and love! I'll see you in Heaven♥ XXO

Renee' Quinn said...

Travis .... I never met you and we probably would never have met. For me to reads the words you wrote way back when and noe to see the pain on the face of your family truly breaks my heart. You were a kind and loving person. A true friend to those you loved. This world will miss you and will always remember you. Even those of that never knew you. We will meet one day in heaven and it will be a pleasure. R.I.P. TRAVIS we love you

Mary4278 said...

No one deserves to die such a horrific death as Travis did.I can clearly see he was such a beautiful soul. Ironically, he was already rich in the ways that truly count and may have not even known it.

As far as the criticisms he has received about having a sex life you all need to go and study human sexuality!We are all sexual beings. Travis perhaps had a difficult time following that one aspect of his chosen religion. He had not found his soul mate yet and could not wait. I think he was coming to realize that he needed to get Jody out of his life and could just not give up the sex yet...good sex can be additive and he was human..flawed and all he was a kind man that was striving to do better,help others and love others. No doubt about that at all!

Alex Z said...

Today, justice was served! The memory and reputation of Travis Victor Alexander have been restored. I personally hope that we all can apply Travis' wisdom and words from this blog for a better life. Most importantly, I ask everyone to extend one act of kindness to another in remembrance of Travis.

Anonymous said...

We Are Here, Travis! Why We Are Here is for you. This has been an amazing journey for those left living. We applaud you for the journey you have taken and we hope that the burden of that journey has been lessened now that Justice will be served. RIP, dear boy.

Anonymous said...

Wow this might be the end of the rainbow but it isn't. Its just the beginning now Travis can rest his mind and be in peace along with the family that has wanted justice finally its come to and end .Now from my family to yours my you all find peace and forgiveness in your hearts bcuz I know Travis would of wanted this..God Bless and may you go on with your lives as Travis would of wanted whats done is done May his legend live on with those who loved him. GOD BLESS GOD BLESS

Anonymous said...

I find it completely ironic that he uses the phrase you reap what you sow. Well, when you continue to cultivate a sick, twisted selfish relationship with someone who is crazy in love with you, emphasis on the crazy, you should have been able to see that coming. I'm not saying Jodi is a victim, she's not. BUt neither is Travis.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

to all you sick idiots that attempt to put blame on travis..rot in hell. Thank goodness we had a jury who saw the truth...I deeply hope she gets the death penalty so she's locked up most of her remaining days with barely seeing the light of day or feel a breeze.. As for when she meets God...then she will receive her ultimate rejection...God bless the Alexander family

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jodi (you souless piece of shit) you finally met your match...JUSTICE!!! Couldn't manipulate the jury!!!! Thank God!!! Justice for Travis, finally!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WWWWWWHHYYYYYYYYYYY! Are people posting on Travis's blog saying such HORRIBLE things, WHY ARE YOU ON HERE! GO AWAY!

I did not know you Travis, but reading and hearing all the amazing stories your friends and family have shared, makes this horrible thing that happened to you even more SAD! :( No one is perfect we all make mistakes!You did not deserve what happened to you!
I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Thank you for leaving this with us. I hope and pray you are resting in peace now! Sending you BIG HUGS Travis Victor Alexander. GOD BLESS!

Anonymous said...

OK everyone all eyes on the trial tomorrow the time has come. Hope the wanna be Jessica ALba wont make a scene again,,just to get out of DEATH ROW.. I hope she knows that Travis will haunt her and she will go coocoo for coco the looney bin..oh well let me shut up...just wanna let the ALexander Family know we are all praying and hoping for JUSTICE to be done finally and we have them in our prayers and he does have alot of people on his might if been the end of the rainbow but its just the beginning and now LIVE LIFE LAUGH AND LOVE LOVE LOVE ,,Kent peps in Texas GOD BLESS GOD BLESS

Anonymous said...

Just reading Travis's blogs for the first time. I think he was meant to write these thoughts at the time that he did. I hope his family can find comfort in time with his words he wrote here. My thoughts go out to his brothers and sisters. His brother and sister showed a lot of strength and love for their brother speaking today.

Anonymous said...

I pray that the Alexander family reads this. Travis will not be forgotten, he will continue to live on through you, his loving family. He would be so proud. Justice will prevail. God Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

To all you Jodi lovers why not go post on her blog and leave this family in peace. Fact: She was found guilty of 1st degree murder. She premeditated it FOG or not. So what if he had sex with her up until his brutal murder. SHE allowed it. She knew he was not going to have a life with him and I am sure he told her that.

I am sure a lot of women allow this type of treatment but they don't brutally murder the man.

So go slam Travis on her blog which seems untouched. I am sure her BFF is watching it all closely for her, you know the women who was tweeting for her.

This man is now home with the Lord

Anyone here who is without sin let them cast the first stone. This is in reference to Travis.

Anonymous said...

May God's love comfort and ease the terrible sorrow of his death. Thank you for leaving his words for others to read. The message in those words makes me want to change my own life.

Raquel said...

Like you and your siblings, my Mother had her own demons that eventually took her life in 2005.

My brother and I are survivors; we forgave and love our Mother deeply to this day. Even though we’re product of something so broken we too live to love and serve.

I like many other wish I would have known you in this life. I can hear myself in your words and thoughts. I live my life with a sincere desire to be a better person today than I was yesterday.

To your family, I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I’m grateful for your beloved Brother’s words. His words unite us all together keeping his memory alive.

Rest in peace in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior; we’ll see you again someday.

Your sister in Christ,

Kristen said...

Very Beautiful, a man I never knew has touched my life in such a positive way. He is inspiring people even after his death. He has to be a angel above us...Thoses who say negative things about Travis. Should be ashamed and keep their comments to themselves. Leave us to support his family and the wonderful spirtual man he was and still is.

Anonymous said...

You are a sick mother fucker!!!! Just like jodi. FREAK!!!!

Anonymous said...

This comment area is loaded with hysterical superstitions, such as heaven, dead folks "looking down" from out there somewhere (there is no "up" or "down" in the universe). All that nonsense is for the uneducated, those who believe in hobgoblins and magic charms and "miracles".

One life to a customer. That is why the savage murder of a good man - Alexander - by a brutal psychopath, Arias, is so appalling and bitter. The man is gone forever, his life stolen by a piece of trash. Referring to his new "life" in the clouds is gross disrespect for the horrible loss the man, his family, his friends have experienced.

Anonymous said...

Unimaginable horror - how brutal the end was just because she feared to be alone....yet now she will be alone. This women has really taken the trust between two people and used it in open court for no benefit to herself. She should do humanity a favor and disappear on that long road to lethal injection. She took her time slowing killing a human being, nothing she can ever say can take that away, no reason no justification. Justice for Tavis and his family.

Unknown said...

Wish I could have known you before all this started. You have a beautiful soul..RIP Travis <3 Justice will be served in your name.

Anonymous said...

If there is a scintilla of justice in this world, tomorrow the jury will announce the death penalty for that revolting Arias, the worst form of scum to be found anywhere.

Anonymous said...

all has been done & said; but it is beyond me that these lovers had a full sexual relationship and Jodi never mention that she was badly in love with Travis.

Anonymous said...

Unintelligible English above.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking reading this blog, I wish that someone would have read this in court to Jodi, being he said in the blog that you have no one else to blame but yourself through the entirety of the blog..I just think his family would love to hear that, especially with Jodi's almost as if it applies directly to her. Amazing, RIP Travis Alexander.

Anonymous said...

Praying for the Alexander family...don't lose faith. God is watching over you and Travis. Justice will overcome all. His murderer does not deserve any privileges. I am praying for right decision.

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace Travis! You have inspired so many. You will never be forgotten.

Anonymous said...

To The Alexander family...Don't Give up...the piece of garbage will get the death sentence next time around she deserves nothing are all in our prayers

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you didnt get the result you were looking for.Its now time to move on with you live, go back home, enjoy you family, get you health back and forget about what has happen in court today. She is in jail, lock up 23 hours a day...You did what you needed to do, now move on with you life. Don't drag yourself through this murder again. You may be looking at the same result, then what? Its done and over. I am sorry if you think this is harsh, but you must move one. You are going to kill yourselves if you don't. Steven you looked bad, Samantha, you are strong woman, get you health back, go back and server your community proud. I no you can do. God Bless your family and I now you will be come stronger then ever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yOU HAD INSIGHT; THIS LAST MESSAGE WAS NO ACCIDENT. God used you to convey this message to us. God uses whom he pleases and he choose you. God's way is not our way his thinking is not like ours. Blessings to your family

Jolene said...

I read Travis Alexander's blog today. It was beyond inspirational. We ALL make mistakes and can get caught up with deviant activity if we let ourselves. NO ONE is perfect. God is our judge. Travis was a good man who unfortunately got caught up with Jodi Arias. She is a very persuasive and evil person. I have even thought Satan himself was with her the day she thought deemed to take another persons life. How could anyone with so much hate in their lives get to this point? Travis could have fought her off IF he had had some inkling she had this planned. This was planned and carried out long before it actually took place. She was a complete stalker and couldn't take the rejection of Travis wanting to move on, clean up his life, repent and find someone worthy to marry. Jodi was NOT that person. Ya know, after her baptism in the Mormon faith she could have had enough strength to say no to sexual behaviour outside of marriage. If she got baptized for the right reasons that is. It looks like she just followed wherever the wind would take her and fashion herself accordingly. I think of her now in a cell for 23 hours and crap for food and showering twice a week and having no mirror, t.v. with no reception and no one to talk to. Also, meeting the Lord should be heavy in her mind. I don't know what she is thinking. I feel she is the epitome of someone to the highest degree of being conceited. The Alexanders can take comfort in the very short time we have here on earth before they are reunited with Travis. Don't let Satans' acts determine who YOU will ultimately become. You need to be on the same path as Travis when it is all said and done. He would want you to have JOY and be useful to others with acts of service and compassion as our Savior did when he was hung on the cross. I love the Alexanders very much. Jolene J.

Unknown said...

To all you folks who are spewing insults and name calling due to you not liking what one quotes, types, their thoughts , oppinions.... the blog is for adults please reframe from acting like you are in a school yard... the childish behavior is really demeening to your self and us all.... respect this mans blog ... give that respect im sure its in us all.... have a blessed day.... R.I.P. Travis Alexandercitymetwta

Anonymous said...

Jodi arias has no soul . She's evil if I've ever saw it and she deserves nothing more than to fry in hell for eternity . & I'm sure she will whether she gets death or life in prison but .. The sooner the better for her .

Anonymous said...

hey sherrie..mind your own business like you just said we are entitled to our own opinions so stop passing judgement..get a life

Anonymous said...

Sherrie can't write English: "reframe" for refrain; "demeaning" for demeaning; "your self" for yourself; several apostrophes missing.

Flunked high school apparently.

Anonymous said...

Jolene -

1) How can something be "carried out long before it actually took place"?

2) Travis Alexander did nothing that was deviant. Sexual acts between consenting adults are perfectly normal...even for your everyday Mormon...and no one else's business, to include self-appointed "bishops" and other such hypocrites.

3) One life to a customer. There is no afterlife and the notion that the family will be "reunited" with Travis is superstitious rubbish, much like that of "Satan" and "Hell" and other such juvenile nonsense. Travis is dead, gone forever, his one and only life destroyed, savagely butchered by a vicious psychopath who should be executed. One gets justice solely on earth; or does not, as sometimes happens.

Anonymous said...

There is a well-established inverse statistical relationship between education and religiosity, between intelligence and religiosity. The less educated a person, the greater the religiosity; the less intelligent a person, the greater the religiosity.

There is an enormous amount of preposterous religious sentiment in this comments section - burning in hell, the "lord", "looking down" from "heaven", angels, dead individuals hung from crosses - indicating a great many commenters are uneducated, and stupid.

It must be horrible to live one's life thinking hobgoblins in the sky are watching one's every move, that spooky little demons are trying to warp one's mind. Pure, self-inflicted slavery to ignorance and the most absurd superstitions.

Anonymous said...

It's odd: some media observers suggesting Arias is attractive.

Hard to understand ~ pinheaded and cross-eyed; pupils beady, tiny and stone dead, a crypt-like blackness perfectly communicating there is no brain, soul, normal human feeling or humanity behind them; wearing glasses, the face that of the standard plow horse; lantern jaw, ski-jumped in shape, Bigfoot Silva or Bob Hope in profile; huge, wide and flat-topped honker beak with prominent slash-shaped hog-nostrils tilted up and out, appearing as though they may at any moment vacuum up the entire court and everyone in it; hips about a barn door too wide; giant feet and hands, the latter fish-belly pale and the size of cargo nets, good for strangling children, the elderly and the helpless.

One ugly chic.

Anonymous said...

that was the best description of that souless horror (JA) I ever heard..God bless Travis and the Alexander family

Anonymous said...

To the person that said Travis didn't go to college & that he was fat etc. if I were you, I wouldn't brag about being in a frat house just to let everyone assume you are in college. No one has to go to college to be successful if they are already gifted. Bill Gates is a college dropout & i'm certain he's a lot more intelligent than your pathetic ass. By the way, most people with a college degree learn to be more acceptable in general. All religions have followers that fornicate & I'll bet you are not as smart as you think you are. I am college educated & I came from a poor family like Travis & i know most people would prefer to have Travis for a friend then to even know you exist on this earth. I hope that a friend or family member of yours never has to go through something like Travis did. Maybe we'll all be lucky enough for you to end up with your own Jodi Arias now that would be well deserved & I hope that you get the hell beat out of you at the very least. You so deserve it!

Anonymous said...

You can take comfort in the fact that the abject ninny who denounced Travis Alexander as "fat" is almost certainly a gelatinous tub of goo, dumb as a stone and uglier than hammered wolf dung. It always work like that with the cowardly and insecure.

Anonymous said...

You can take comfort in the fact that the abject ninny who denounced Travis Alexander as "fat" is almost certainly a gelatinous tub of goo, dumb as a stone and uglier than hammered wolf dung. It always work like that with the cowardly and insecure.

Christina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christina said...

Thank you for being the kind soul you are! You have touched many lives for the better. Prayers for your family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Now the savage murderer is asking to move the penalty phase into next year, hoping the additional time will reduce the likelihood of her execution. But, given the extreme viciousness of her calculated murder of a good Arizona citizen, Mr. Alexander, she will remain entirely susceptible to the death penalty. Let us hope the next penalty jury does not have the sort of four deluded and irresponsible fools who voted against death in the first phase.

The planet will be a better and safer place without that disgusting psychopath Arias.

Unknown said...

I agree. She stole his life, don't let her steal his legacy.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for Travis Alexander's family. He seemed to enjoy life and was truely happy. It's ashamed that a person who was jealous of his life and wanted so much to be a part of his life, ended up taking his life. We really don't know if he really did what she said he did to her...but she let him. If you don't like the way someone treated you, then leave. He also gave her signs that he did not want to be with her in the way that she wanted to be with him. It is just sad how this all ended. She did not have to kill him, but crazy is as crazy does I suppose. He was a talented and inspirational writer. She was a talented artist. They both had a lot going for them....

George said...

By no means was Arias a "talented artist". Her sketches were the sort of juvenilia one would expect from the average ditzy mall rat. As to the rubbish she has produced while jailed - it's tracing. Pure crap.

Anonymous said...

If you are on here to bag on Travis you should find another website to do so... this is something that he put his time and interest in. If you really think all these terrible things about him why are you wasting your time reading about things he wrote?? and seriously.. he was 30 years old, his sex life is his business... I never saw anything confessing his virginity. JA killed him fair and square if she didn't like the way he treated her she knew where the door was! RIP Travis. This world is full of judgmental pricks.

George said...

It was "fair and square" that Arias savagely murdered the good Travis? Pure barbarism.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad for Travis and his family and also Jodi Arias and her family. They were both in way over their heads. I believe when the truth shows itself everyone will change their way of looking at this horrible nightmare. People should research before condemning. They both were innocent. So sad.

George said...

To argue that Jodi Arias is "innocent" is a disgrace, the assertion of the deeply brain-damaged, the pathetic coward, the galloping moron.. She perpetrated a premeditated murder of the most savage kind and should be executed forthwith.

That comment had to have been written by a member of the Arias family, or that revolting trash Arias herself.

Anonymous said...

that is powerful and really helped thanks you absolutely will be remembered even though I never got to meet you

Anonymous said...

I'm sure if Travis could speak today he would tell his Christian friends to give the ultimate gift of forgiveness to Jodie Arias. If he was the man that is proclaimed he would show nothing but love towards Jodie and no I'm not from her family but I am a Christian and believe that everyone is capable of forgiving if they would only realize the truth for what it is. Both Travis and Jodie were victims. Face it. I will pray for you,too.

Betty T said...

To say I am appalled at some of the comments on here is such an understatement. So many of you really have me worried. If you can uphold what the devils daughter did..then either you are related to her, or additional monsters that belong to the devil.

Now, to get on with what I came here to do.

I wish I had been given the opportunity to have met Travis in life. Figures I lived in the wrong state when he was an elder. I know he must have left each person he met on his mission with some really good memories. I would have loved the opportunity to listen to the message as told by Travis.

I'm sure there is a long line of people in heaven waiting to meet Mr. Alexander..or...Brother Alexander if your a member of the church. I pray someday that I will get to meet Brother Alexander. I was not allowed even the most remote opportunity to do so thanks to that creature everyone calls Jodi. I prefer the Devil's daughter. Fits much better!

Anonymous said...

The truth is out there for the world to see. . .There are so many who need to study and educate themselves on the truth of this horrible ordeal. Jesus loves us all . . .we all sin. . The Devil has no daughter. No Sin is any greater than another! Those who have not sinned cast the first stone. . .there seem to be so many stone throwers here . .so sad. . .not what Travis preached. Travis and Jodie were both victims. . .Read. . .the facts are there.

George said...

Anonymous is a standard issue, crack-brained low IQ superstitious religious nut. If he or she, or it, believes Travis is as guilty as Arias the savage murderess, he she or it has endorsed cold-blooded murder. A functional idiot.

Kate said...

Travis you have touched people's lives all over the world with your beautiful insights. I live in country Queensland Australia and I followed your case and now am blessed to have the opportunity to benefit from the great wisdom you documented before your passing on. It's not worth mentioning the rest, what happened outside of your control is beneath you. I didn't meet you however I feel I know you from your beautiful posts which were so wise beyond your young years. You are so loved and will always live in so many hearts and minds, your soul will burn bright forever and you will NEVER be forgotten,

Anonymous said...

Your a very bitter man George. Try forgiveness. I'm sure you have never committed a sin? Hmmmm. How would you feel if you had the treatment Jodi has received because of a very biased and tainted trial. She was convicted by the media and people who do not know the truth but the truth is out there. Study up. The whole trial has been a farce. The real killers are still among us. And no I'm not crazy. . wake up. You are in my prayers too.

Ryan Heber said...

Travis, I'm beginning to think you and Jodi should go your separate ways, and start seeing other people. I just don't get the vibe that she's
" The One".

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